Reality Television Essay

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Reality Television Essay (857 Words)

Arguing how Reality Television affects the Society


Reality TV is a television programming where ordinary people are continually filmed, designed to entertain rather than informing the society. Reality TV shows are filmed full of drama, partying, fighting, and fun (Mckay, 2010). Examples of reality shows are Teen Mom, Duck Dynasty, and The Real World. Although reality television shows entertain viewers, they adversely affect the society. Reality TV shows adversely affect children by derailing the process of their talent growth and contributes to immorality from the abusive words used in entertaining the audience. (Mckay, 2010) The media shows domestic violence over the shows which are unacceptable behavior in the society. Reality shows are also scripted to give non educative information to the audience. This essay seeks to argue how reality television affects the society.

Reality TV has negatively affected the society in numerous areas. The world has given the media freedom of what is shown on television, not only dictating but also copying and defining all the society thinks are real life situations. One of its negative effects on the society is violence. When the media shows reality shows depicting domestic violence as acceptable, then a….Show More Content….

Reality TV shows are bad since they show ordinary people with no unique talents contributing very little to the society. These shows derail growth of youth talent since the celebrity starts do not thrive on talent but thrive on the sensation of always appearing in the news (Scarborough & McCoy, 2016). The worst effect of their shows is….Show More Content….

….Watching such full episodes is not informative. Certain scenes should be banned and stop being shown since the imitation of non-realistic lessons wrongfully inform the society members to practice what is shown to be realistic. They are out to make money out of these television programs and end up giving the wrong and harmful information to the members of the society and this tarnish a society’s reputation (Schneider, Gruman, & Coutts, 2012). They (the media) should filter what they are showing viewers to ensure it is informative.


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