Research Paper 1- Assessment

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Research Paper 1- Assessment

This is an individual assignment.

Each week, based on the hour of e-learning activity that has been prescribed, you are required actively to engage with the material by writing a short discussion of how the material that was prescribed relates to the topic(s) of this unit and how it relates to your own personal experience.

You create a blog each week where you provide evidence that you have engaged in this way with the prescribed e-learning activity. In the blog, you mention any extra material relevant to the activity that you have researched on the net.

These blogs are assessed in the following way:

  1. Blogs are spot checked by your lecturer.
  2. By the end of Week 5, students choose their best two blogs and submit them as an assignment (due Friday Week 5).

Each blog should be in two sections: Section 1 lists the key ideas you have extracted from the prescribed e-learning activity. In Section 2 you apply those ideas to your own experience, to an organization you know and to the topic(s) of this unit. Research Paper 1- Assessment


Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. E-Learning Activities
  3. Week??- Activity??- Activity Title
  4. Week??- Activity??- Activity Title
  5. Conclusion
  6. References

Executive Summary

Summarize your discussion of each e-learning activity. Maximum 50 words per activity.

E-Learning Activities

Week??- Activity??- Activity Title

There should be 2 Paragraphs;

1st paragraph should be shorter and concise in bullet point,

2nd Paragraph should be application of 1st paragraph including any organisation you know in Australia which implies this strategy or principle.

Insert here your discussion of the e-learning activity. Either answer the two questions at the top of every e-learning activity (summarise the activity and discuss an application or your experience of what the activity is about).

Week??- Activity??- Activity Title

There should be 2 Paragraphs;

1st paragraph should be shorter and concise in bullet point,

2nd Paragraph should be application of 1st paragraph including any organisation you know in Australia which implies this strategy or principle.

Insert here your discussion of the e-learning activity. Either answer the two questions at the top of every e-learning activity (summarise the activity and discuss an application or your experience of what the activity is about).


Summarise and draw conclusions from your two e-learning activities. About 50 words per activity.


Use Harvard style referencing. Less than five references per activity. Don’t forget to include the URL from the activity as one of your references. Delete all highlighted text.
