Sociology321 GSS Variables Discussion

Sociology321 GSS Variables Discussion

Make a prediction with some new variables you have not worked with before on any of your assignments, nor from any practice activities from the class or textbook. Choose one of the GSS variables from this list as your dependent, and a demographic variable you have not yet worked with as your independent. (In other words, who do you think is more likely to agree with or have the experiences listed below? Use that guiding question to choose the best independent/demographic variable.) You have to read all the posts that come before you, because you are not allowed to choose a variable-pair already taken.

VISART (how often visited art museum in past year)

VISLIB (how often visited public library in past year)

TICKET (ever received a traffic ticket)

ARREST (ever been picked up or charged by police)

SSFCHILD (think same sex female couple could raise a child as well as a M-F couple)

SSMCHILD(think same sex male couple could raise a child as well as a M-F couple)

SPANKING (favor spanking to discipline a child)

SINGLPAR (single parents can raise a child as well as two)

SAVESOUL (tried to convince others to accept Jesus)

SATJOB7 (job satisfaction in general)

SATFIN (satisfaction with financial situation)

RACWORK (racial makeup of workplace)

OWNGUN (have gun in home)

OTHLANG (can speak a language other than English)

MARHOMO (homosexuals should have the right to marry)

LENTTO (lent money to another person in past 12 months)

HUNT(does respondent or spouse hunt)

HELPAWAY (looked after pet or plant of others while away)

HAPMAR (happiness of marriage)

GIVBLOOD (has given blood in past 12 months)

GIVCHRTY (has given to charity)

GIVHMLSS (has given money or food to homeless)

FEPOL (women not suited for politics)

EQWLTH (should government reduce income differences)

EARTHSUN (scientific knowledge: the earth goes around the sun)

DISCAFF (whites hurt by affirmative action)

COHABOK (living together is an acceptable option)

BIBLE (feelings about Bible: is it Word of God, inspired Word, or book of fables?)

AGED (should aged live with their children?)

For example, you may hypothesize that the higher one’s income, the more likely they will have visited an art museum in the past year. Your dependent is VISART (from the list above), and your demographic/independent is INCOME. (You can’t use this example.)

Then predict a level of strength of your association (weak, moderate, strong, or none). For example, I predict the association between income and visit to art museum will be of moderate strength.

On Thursday, you should make your hypothesis and prediction. (Prediction should just be about strength. Don’t worry about direction, because for many that won’t be applicable).

Then, on Sunday, one of the students you are responding to is yourself. Post the Lambda or Gamma value for your prediction by calculating it in SPSS. Tell yourself whether or not your prediction is correct. Then, respond to at least one other student letting them know whether their Lambda/Gamma result is a surprise or expected prediction. Also, you can respond to any students if you feel you can add more precision to their commentary and interpretation of Lambda or Gamma.

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