Super Storm Scenario Assignment

Super Storm Scenario Assignment

Superstorm scenario:–a so-called “Superstorm” is predicted to affect the New York City–Long Island, New York area, having travelled up the Atlantic seaboard. Long Island is particularly vulnerable to flooding from the storm if it occurs during the Spring-to-Autumn season; if the storm is predicted during the Fall-to-Spring months, particularly during the winter, the Island is vulnerable to heavy snowfall amounts since it is bounded on both sides by water. In either case, evacuation off of the island is a challenge given that all vehicular traffic must flow through New York City. While this scenario focuses on the response and recovery phases of the Disaster Management Cycle for a single entity, there are numerous such facilities located within Suffolk County. Given the vulnerability of the Island to such extreme weather, mitigation and preparedness issues should be reviewed prior to writing the Collaborative Report deliverable and should likewise inform the After-Action Report deliverable.

APA format, in-text citation, references include, finish the template attached to this assignment ONLY THE YELLOW HIGHLIGHT PART

Report it as clear, specific and details.Pretend that you are preparing recommendations to the Executive Director that will ultimately inform decisions by the Board of Directors. Fill out the Part 1 Template. If you use references, there will be a place in the Template Part 2 for listing your references as well as including additional, optional information.

  •  Address the following questions at each phase of the disaster – Initial Response, Short-Term Response, and Early Recovery and Restoration. For each area of responsibility, which activities are critical to perform as a part of the responses as it progresses (You will need to make inferences from the status information given above as well as use your imagination to create status information). What resources will you need? Consider organizations, people, information, equipment, materials and supplies. Are there recommendations or decisions that need to be made by the Board of Directors?
  • Prepare the report to the Executive Director by phase. Use the template provided. Remember, reports need to be direct, specific and very clear.
  • Each Person is to be the primary contributor to the role that he or she has selected (e.g. one of the operations branches, the command staff officers, or the sections). In addition, review and provide constructive feedback to the other members of the study group (e.g. law enforcement can comment on public works and vice versa). Contributions and comments on all areas are expected.

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