Sustainability and Energy Industry

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Sustainability and Energy Industry


A picture is worth a thousand words’, this is a very appropriate saying to express the importance of utilising images in conjunction with word information. Infographics are tools which allow both text and image to be displayed to obtain a more effective impact.
Organisations use infographics to add a visual element to their ‘story telling’. This tool is also an effective way to showcase figures and data statistics in graphic form to highlight key information in an accessible and easy to understand manner.

Completion of this assignment will address the following learning outcomes:

  • Identify the social and environmental advantages and disadvantages of energy production for a given location/condition
  • Select innovations that could apply to the energy industry in developing sustainable products and services and providing sustainable solutions.

Task: Create an Infographic

  • Produce a green energy campaign led by a non-government organisation in Western Europe to highlight the benefits of adopting more environmentally friendly practices such as switching to clean energy.
  •  Select a country of the European Union and represent the energy profile of this particular country highlighting production and consumption patterns and some of the technological innovations applied in this country by companies in the energy sector.


The infographic should contain both text and images containing key data statistics, illustrating an energy landscape and referring to the advantages and disadvantages of using particular sources of energy. The infographic should also illustrate the technological progress achieved for the chosen sources of energy towards reducing environmental impacts and lowering level of emissions.


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