Symptom Analysis-Case Scenario-Abdomen (SBO)

Symptom Analysis-Case Scenario-Abdomen (SBO)

Answer the following questions;

  1. Your analysis of the Symptom and Patient’s Condition. How do you put it together? Does it make sense?
  2. What is the patient’s disease process? Explain where is the patient in their disease process. Symptoms can indicate recovery or decline. Explain in 3 sentences or greater
  3. What are the anticipated findings for this disease? List greater than 5 findings
  4. How do(es) the assessment data fit with the lab/diagnostic findings. (For example, in your opinion, does the patient’s pain rating seem to correlate with the nature of the fracture as shown in the x-ray?) Explain this- 3 sentences or greater
  5. Would you have expected the assessment findings to be the same as what they were, or to be different, and why? Explain this- 3 sentences or greater
  6. In a paragraph of at least 3 sentences, describe the pathophysiology involved in your patient’s MEDICAL diagnosis and give a reference (textbook, CDC website, REPUTABLE source. (Source, year, & page #. LIST here AND on reference page). (10 pts.)
  7. Write at least a 3-4 sentence summary of your analysis of these findings. Must be substantive with details. (10 pts.)
  8. Nursing Diagnosis (Actual dx. with 3 parts) (2 points)
  9. The priority Nursing Diagnosis must address the SYMPTOM. Minimum 1 diagnosis
  10. Two (2) Nursing Interventions that are SPECIFIC to your priority nursing diagnosis. Must be nursing intervention- assess, teach, do (1 pt. each—2 total)
  11. Therapeutic interventions- 3pt/each List at least 2 educational interventions (teach patient). Must address patient’s current nursing diagnosis, symptom.

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