The Melting Of Ice Cubes

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The Melting Of Ice Cubes

Question: What Makes Ice Cubes Melt the Fastest?



Do you sometimes dump ice cubes into a drink to help keep cool on a hot summer day? Have you ever watched the ice cubes melt and wondered how you could make them melt more slowly—or even faster? In this science activity, you will test different substances to try and answer this question: What will make ice cubes melt the fastest?


What is an Ice Cube:

An ice cube is a small piece of ice, which is rectangular as viewed from above and trapezoidal as viewed from the side. Ice cubes are products of mechanical refrigeration and are usually produced to cool beverages. They may be produced at home in a refrigerator with an ice tray or in an automated ice-making accessory. The Melting Of Ice Cubes

What is Sand?

Sand is a granular material composed of finely divided rock and mineral particles. It is defined by size, being finer than gravel and coarser than silt. Sand can also refer to a textural class of soil or soil type.

What is Sugar?

Sugar is the generic name for sweet-tasting, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used in food. The various types of sugar are derived from different sources. Simple sugars are called monosaccharides and include glucose, fructose, and galactose.

What is Salt?

Salt is a crystalline compound that is composed primarily of sodium and chlorine occurring as a mineral, a constituent of seawater, etc., and it is used for seasoning food, as a preservative, etc.


Ice Cubes melt and when they do, have you ever wondered how you could make them melt even faster? Sand, Sugar, and Salt are just some of the many different substances to try and answer the question of; What will make ice cubes melt the fastest?


What Makes Ice Melt Fastest? | Science Buddies makes-ice-melt-fastest


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