Trait EI and Academic Performance

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Trait EI and Academic Performance

Harsha, Perera N and DiGiacomo Michelle. “The relationship of trait emotional intelligence with academic performance: A meta-analytic review” Learning and Individual Differences (2013): 20-33. Retrieved from:

 The relationship of trait emotional intelligence with academic performance

There is a disagreement among theorists on the role of emotional intelligence (EI) in enhancing academic performance. Trait EI refers to a collection of enduring and affective personality traits which are relative to one another. The theory of EI assumes that effective personality traits need to be orthogonal and related to cognitive outcomes such as academic performance.

EI influences academic performance, this implies that the demands for academic outweigh cognitive resources. Empirical studies show that there is an inconsistent pattern of EI with academic performance and most of these studies give heterogeneous results. Heterogeneity indicates that theoretical moderators are guided by gender and age factors that influence academic performance.

The diverse schools of thoughts about the role of trait EI on academic performance provide significant concerns for a logical framework of academic practice and trait EI. Emotional related personality traits are directly related with academic performance by students. Dispositional tendencies by students towards self-control serve as a proper adaptive mechanism that helps in sustaining academic performance.

In summary, academic performance and its association with trait EI is referenced to the willingness factor. The ability of a student to perform academically depicts procedural knowledge, skills, intelligence and competence gained from trait EI. Therefore, students with excellent EI traits perform better academically as compared to their counterparts with low trait EI.


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