Unnoticed Domestic Violence Task
Women are not the only domestic violence victims. Domestic violence occurs between people in an intimate relationship. According to Denis Campbell’s report published in The Guardian, men form over 40 percent of domestic violence victims (Denis 1). This contradicts the widespread impression by the media and police forces that only women are bruised and battered by men. Assaults by girlfriends and wives have been ignored by the police and media. In (Nicola 6) argument, domestic violence against men takes numerous forms, including sexual, emotional and physical abuse and threats of abuse. Most researchers and human rights defense organizations findings show equal amounts of abuse perpetrated against women and men. However, the government, media and human rights associations pay most attention on the female victims and ignore the male victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence against men should receive the same attention as domestic violence as women because it often goes unnoticed and is not always easy to identify. This is a Student Sample.
Traditionally, domestic violence has been understood as a crime perpetrated against defenseless women by the domineering men. However, research spanning over 40 years has consistently found that women and men self-report issues of domestic violence at similar rates (Nicola 5). In his publication, Nicola argues that domestic violence against men is invisible. But, while more women are being sentenced of domestic violence, it is not easy to discover the true number of male victims in this complex affair. In the modern social world, the number of men representing the domestic violence victims or of people who are injured, assaulted, or killed by their intimate partners is increasing. Today, the number of women’s rights defense associations is very high as compared to that of men’s right defense organizations. Empirical studies conducted by (Stets 26) reveal that the rate of domestic violence against men and women is almost at equal measure. However, the issue of domestic violence against men has attracted less concern from the designated stakeholders. As a result, this has attracted the question: why has domestic violence by women against men gone unreported for so long, and what changes have occurred in the last decade to make the issue of domestic violence against men more visible? The main reason is feminist movement, an advocacy and activist group whose actions convinced the government and the public to accept that “domestic violence” was solely violence against the female gender (Denis 3). The other key reason is the dual stereotype that men are violent against the passive women. Similar campaigns have been initiated to fight for men’s rights, an approach which has made domestic violence against men become visible. In response, the government, media and other stakeholders should recognize domestic violence against men, and act towards resolving the issue in a collective and fair manner to ensure men are equally treated to women as far as domestic violence is concerned.
According to (Ruth 2), the men victims of domestic violence are always overlooked. In the American society and other world societies, domestic violence is considered as among the most pressing social issues. One of the Mayo clinic staff calls for the recognition of domestic violence perpetrated by women against men. Today, abusive relationships are involving a lot of power and control imbalance. Studies by (C. Mayo 1) reveal that most women are abusive to men and always use hurting, intimidating, and immoral behaviors to control their male counterparts. Men are visibly experiencing domestic violence from their wives and girlfriends through insults, prevention from going to work, stoppage from interacting with friends and family, accusations of being unfaithful, controlled on how to spend money among many other violent acts (Mayo 9). While this fact is evident across all realms of life, the government and the media have remained silent of these violent acts against men. It is not because this is unnoticed, but because this is ignored. A lot of interest and concern is being paid to women, and all stakeholders are focused to preventing abuse of women’s rights, to an extent of forgetting the value of men. According to the WHO 2016 report, domestic violence against men has reached epidemic levels. All these studies reveal that domestic violence against men happens more than people think. It is therefore time for the government, the media, and courts to stand up in defense of men against family violence (Mayo 7). The same level of treatment and fairness awarded to the women victims of domestic violence should be applied on the men victims. Failure to which, men will continue being embarrassed in front of family and friends regardless of their social status. But, for it to be easy for media and the government to voice and defend men against domestic violence, men should start reporting abuse by women and stop being reluctant and silent in this issue.
In (Young 6) intimate partner violence research, it goes beyond any reasonable doubt that domestic violence happens to men too. Recently, issues of wives punching, chopping, and scolding their husbands have increased unlike in the past when women could not attempt assaulting men. Men are also being killed by women in marriage and also in intimate relationships. Unlike the traditional norm and assortment that only mean can beat their women; the modern era has made it different for men are being beaten by their wives and girlfriends. Mayo argues that even when women scold men, it is the men who end up apologizing to end the disagreement. In the Journal of Partner Abuse, the motives of women in domestic violence are similar to those of the men, and these range from anger, revenge, to coercive control (Young 8). These evidences and facts reveal that domestic violence can be best understood as a social and human problem whose gender dynamics are extremely complex that common people understand. Thus, since domestic violence is equally perpetrated to men and women, then there is no reason why the government, courts, the media, and other human rights defense stakeholders should ignore upholding men’s domestic rights in the events when domestic violence arises. The key battlegrounds in families are similar, and this certifies the reason why women are also most likely to be violent in response to men’s aggression (Stets 30). In this regard, an equal and fair treatment of the domestic violence should be awarded on both men and women. Every human has the right for defense against violence; no one regardless of gender is a substance for violence. The same attention the media gives to the cases involving women victims of domestic violence should be paid to the men counterparts. Failure to which, the society will continue to morally decay, as more men and women will keep assaulting their intimate partners to the extent of murder and a high code of disrespect in families.
On the other side, there are other researchers who believe that domestic violence against men should not receive the same attention as domestic violence against women. The politics of the day are more aligned to defending women against family violence, and this has attracted more funding by the state to anti-women domestic violence campaigns and other initiatives (Mayo, 8). Although violence is violence, violence against women is worse and severe that that against men. Most women victims of domestic violence suffer from sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, acts which are constantly perpetrated by men. According to (C. Mayo 5), domestic violence has been a serious threat against women’s progress in the society. While domestic violence against men could be possibly invisible, this violent and brutal behavior by men against their women is always visible and identifiable by the government and the media. Traditionally, it has been the norm that women should be submissive and inferior to men. As a result of this conservative norm, women tend to be voiceless and unable to control men’s irresponsible behavior. In essence, domestic violence is a more serious threat for many women, and as per Mayo, its threat cannot be compared to the threat that violent women impose on their men. It cannot sound right to argue that men experience similar levels of domestic violence as to women. In (Denis 2) argument, since the number of victims of domestic violence greatly differ in men and women, with women forming over 60 percent, it is not fair for the government, the media, and other human rights stakeholders to pay similar attention and concern to men’s domestic violence as those of women. Therefore, the government should stick with its current policy of funding anti-women domestic violence as it seeks to upgrade its attention to addressing domestic violence against men.
In conclusion, domestic violence is a major issue in the modern society. Issues and cases of domestic violence befall both women and men. Today, there are a lot of imbalance of power and control in relationships, the root cause of domestic violence. However, while this is the fact, domestic violence against men has gone unnoticed, ignored, and unrecognized by the concerned stakeholders. The world is against men, as their family rights are being defiled by women and yet no one is concerned with defending men’s rights. It has been very unfair by the state and the media to act on the lead towards defending women against domestic violence, and yet very minimal actions have been voiced towards defending men. This has attracted the continuous trend of men being battered, beaten, abused, and denied interactions with family members, accused of unfaithfulness and many other threats and forms of violence. In the event men do these violent acts against women, women’s feel free and assured of support when reporting to the designated offices unlike men who lack the courage to report for they are unsure of any support. This unfairness is termed as inequitable justice, and it is the time for the government and the media to stop it. Domestic violence against men should be equally treated and addressed as domestic violence against women.
Work Cited
Denis, Campbell. “More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male, report reveals.” The Guardian (2010): 1-8. <https://www.theguardian.com/society/2010/sep/05/men-victims-domestic-violence>.
Mayo, C. “Domestic violence against men: Know the signs.” Healthy Lifestyle (2019): 6-18. <https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/domestic-violence-against-men/art-20045149>.
Mayo, Clinic. “Domestic violence against women: Recognize patterns, seek help.” Health Lifestyle (2019): 1-14. <https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/domestic-violence/art-20048397>.
Nicola, Graham-Kevan. “The invisible domestic violence – against men.” The Guardian (2011): 1-12. <https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2011/jun/07/feminism-domestic-violence-men>.
Ruth, S. “Men: The Overlooked Victims of Domestic Violence.” Domestic Violence Statistics (2012): 1-9. <https://domesticviolencestatistics.org/men-the-overlooked-victims-of-domestic-violence/>.
Stets, Jan E. Domestic violence and control. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.
Young, Cathy. “The Surprising Truth About Women and Violence.” Partner Abuse (2014): 1-10. <http://time.com/2921491/hope-solo-women-violence/>.