Urban Risk Assessment Essay

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Urban Risk Assessment Essay

Urban Risk Assessment & Management

Student Assignment

Students are required to write an essay that addresses the following topic:

“Critically discuss the proposition that the building of more resilient cities is not just the key component of an urban risk management strategy but is also an important pathway to sustainability.  Illustrate your answer with examples of best practice with which you are familiar.”  


Essays should be approximately 1500 words in length and must not exceed 2000 words inclusive of illustrations, tables and footnotes.

Please include the following points (but not necessarily only this points) in the essay:

  • Resilient cities are the way to sustainability
  • Future proofing leads to resilience
  • Adapting and constructing robust infrastructure helps in future proofing
  • All in all integrated planning and development is the way to create sustainable and resilient cities

Use examples/ case studies from the U.A.E if possible

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