Week 2 Activity 3- Corporate Culture

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Week 2 Activity 3- Corporate Culture Instilled in HRM Practices and Customer Satisfaction

Part 1

Company culture forms an organization’s personality and defines the environment in which personnel interact, work, and execute their day to day operations (Cameron and Quinn, 2011, p. 10). Corporate culture entails a proper integration of HR policies to the target market’s needs. The main question to consider in achieving this week 2 activity 3 objectives is:

  • What does a building culture-based company entail?

Culture-based companies value stakeholders’ welfare and interests. Also, the proper integration of corporate culture with employees’ values and needs makes the workers enjoy their work. Employees tend to establish better relationships with colleagues thus becoming more productive. A culture based company further emphasizes teamwork through which employees freely interact, share ideas and opinions, and assist one another in resolving any conflicts or problems. In this perspective, companies are required to hire employees whose conduct, skills, experience, and competencies are high to ensure that they are innovative and meet customer demands appropriately. Culture-based organizations also entail the use of a set channel of communication in which orders and instructions are passed from one level to another. A Student Sample: ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

Part 2: Application of ideas

Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh states that building a culture-based company by the management significantly helps in strengthening HRM practices as well as enhancing customers’ satisfaction. Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh arguments will guide us in achieving the objectives of this activity and understanding how corporate culture is integrated to HR policies and customer needs.

Building culture-based company entails a proper integration of HRM practices to customer needs in order to satisfy their needs. The major stakeholder and assists of Zappos are its employees and the target customers. The human resource management of the company needs to ensure that the employees recruited in the company possess the right skills, qualifications, experience, and competence to the work (Sharma, Sharma, and Devi, 2009., p. 210). Customer needs and interests should be in their hearts every time. Competent human resources always offer high-quality customer services and are always creative and innovative of new brands as demanded in the market. Also, corporate culture involves the establishment of better rules and regulations that govern the HRM practices and decisions towards employees conduct when dealing with customers’ needs (Jung et al., 2008, p. 630). In this regard, the CEO of Zappos Tony Hsieh approves the policy of paying new employees to quit the company if they cannot properly fit and adapt to the company values and are unable to satisfy customer needs effectively. A Student Sample: ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

Week 2 Activity 3- Corporate Culture

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