Week 5 discussion questions

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Week 5 discussion questions

Question 1: Pornography & Violence

This thread’s two sources define and present the initial framing of our work in this next topic for this week.  They are:  “Create in Me a Just Heart: Treating pornography as a structure of sin” by Megan McKabe, America Magazine


and “Censorship or Education? Feminist Views on Pornography” by Mary Ellen Ross, Religion Online


Remember these are just two sources that begin our work this week and let’s begin our discussions this weekend and continue them throughout the week as we move beyond the halfway point this Term.

Select, as usual, a term, concept, and theory (theology and philosophy) that addresses this topic relative to our course theme of God and Human Sexuality. Thoughts and sources, class?


Question 2: STATS

If digital pornography is influential in this area, how do the reported numbers change before the digital content was posted and accessed on the Internet, class?

Second, the time between the rise of printed magazines devoted to porn and prior to the Internet, what can be noted about these stats?

Finally, what about prior to widespread publication of printed magazines and the stats on violence and sex crimes?

Thoughts and sources, class?

Question 3: Pornography & Violence

What role does religion play on this subject (Pornography & Violence)? What specifically have churches written into their doctrinal code and what they say in this regard.

Thoughts and sources, class?

Question 4: Violence in Relationships and the Church’s Stance

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Amazon allows an electronic preview of a related topic this week in the book:

White, P. (2012). The cry of Tamar: Violence against women and the Church’s response (Second ed.). Fortress Press, which can be accessed free at:  https://www.amazon.com/Cry-Tamar-Violence-Against-Response/dp/0800697340#reader_0800697340

The introduction and first chapter (up to page 38) is an example of a topic that we need to explore what the doctrine of the Church has been throughout history and today.  Examining the principles and practices of the Church’s interpretation of the God-human dynamic is central to this thread and our work.

Thoughts and sources, class?

Question 5: Violence in Relationships and the Church’s Stance

As stated in the Bible, Timothy 2:11-15, Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control. All I can ask is the questions – “Did anyone in the class have a women professor in your course of study?”  If so, did you commit a sin by accepting instruction?

Now, something even more serious, Dr. Porter, Vice President is a woman and she’s in charge of both men and women who are teaching and working in this program.  Did we just sin twice as badly?

Thoughts and sources, class?


Question 6: Practice what one teaches

Putting a principle into action within society or practicing what one preaches are points of consistency and avoiding hypocrisy and generally a poor example that is instructive of teaching and learning.  So, if a principle within Leviticus, as an example, which is one of the Books of Moses or the Torah, one might be able to see within Judaism today that practice being followed, but it isn’t!  Why is that?

Also, since this is part of most Christian denominations, why isn’t this being seen in practice either?

Thoughts and sources, class?Bottom of Form

Question 7: Interpreting the bible literally?

The topic of relationships in the Bible, as with many of the topics we’ve discussed to this point, is a complicated one, and it requires careful study of the words the Bible states in order to gain proper understanding. While it is understandable that some might interpret the Bible’s points on submission and obedience as a means to encourage (or at the very least fail to condemn) violence against wives from their husbands, there is much evidence to suggest that this assertion is misguided. If one wants to interpret the Bible literally, we have a big problem.  But since literalism has been discussed earlier and it isn’t the scholarly, informed, and compelling interpretation, biblical exegesis can and does explain this ‘problem’ so that we are able to move onto the next important point in our discussion, right class?

Thoughts and sources, class?

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