Weight Loss and Maintenance

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Weight loss and Weight Maintenance



Obesity has been a major issue affecting our today’s health due to the existing kind of foods we take and the kind of lifestyle we embrace awareness has hence been directed to the obese individuals. Today’s research does not focus on behavioral, psychological factors of obesity alone but views obesity as multiplicatively determined.

Target market

Our target market is the obsess people because we believe that something can be done to them and safe life.


Through a proper exercise on body fitness, the obese individuals can make a change in their lives and grow stronger.

Literature Review


Research done by Brownell and foster shows that obesity is of prevalence globally. The past research done administered some deregulations on a reduction of obesity, but the problem persists. The study revealed that according to WHO report in 1998, the body mass index being =30kg/m2 and that 25% and 20% of the American women are obese. Hence there is need to find out the cause of obesity and the effective prevention measures. Researchers have concluded that the harmful environment is to blame for the increased levels of obesity globally. The latter refers to the access of heavily advertised and highly accessible foods which are inexpensive and then the victims spend most of the day`s work watching TV. The authors propose for the existence of policies as means of preventing obesity. This is a student sample: ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

The Transtheoretical model (TTM; Prochaska & DiClemente, 2003) predicts that the change in behavior changes can be relied upon since it has some reliable processes. Its stages include pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and finally maintenance. Each of these steps has individuals having a distinct character from the other.

Weight-Loss and Maintenance

Maintenance stage itself is a process, but success on the stage is not readily identified. Defining lapse and relapse in the areas of diet, obesity and physical activity has been hard. Weight loss and maintenance has been based on a long-term observation since a time memorial, but observations show that weight loss is due in part to the difficulty in measuring exercise behavior accurately. Assessing the levels of physical activity is hard too since many of the researchers ask about the last seven days or so but not all the entire time. The individuals do not take the issue of doing modification in their diet hence the authors give highlights to the merits and need to increase the number of participants in weight reduction and maintenance.

Self Help Strategies for Weight Management

Personal interventions have been made with the aim of dealing with making individuals themselves not with the aid of a therapist. The people obtain the required knowledge from reading from journals and books, watching a movie, surfing or attending groups. The latter is well liked by the general population but also recommended by therapists. Problems –drinking and depression have been given the same kind of treatment with the same efficacy giving a positive response to the victims. Self-efficacy is therefore useful for promoting weight loss.

Increasing Self-Efficacy through Performance or Behavior Measures

Attempts have been made to increase the exercise to self-efficacy for a given group of victims who are overweight by the use of excellent exercise treatment .94 middle-aged participants were measured and found to have a mean body fat of 29.96% having measures of self-efficacy which was taken before and after the exercise test. The victims were asked to pedal on a bike at 50rpm with an initial workload of 150 kg/minute. The load was increased by 150kg/min till the participants showed a change in the rate of the heartbeat by 70%.

The above results proved correct that fitness and exercise related self-efficacy trusts increased for the participants from pre-tests to post-tests.the measures precisely of the bike and walking self-efficacy showed to be increasing during this period.

The findings proved that fitness and exercise related self-efficacy beliefs can be increased through the performance related activities.

Increasing Self-Efficacy through Modeled Behavior

The effectiveness of this kind of behavior has been well documented with the aim of changing behavior as well as the being documented in the literature. Research shows that through learning from other people`s behavior, individuals are less likely to adapt to that behavior by themselves. Through various conditioning, whereby individuals witness the consequences from other people, they can learn as well. There have been increased studies which have been designed to increase self-efficacy by the use of exercise behavior. The participants were exposed to experimental conditions involving a behavioral expertise for one month which was then complimented with a video modeling technique or a control method program. The exercise included cycling as well as gradual upgrading of walking on a treadmill.

The results showed that both the experimental and the control groups showed improvements in the training efficacy and also performance. The victims in the video modeling, however, showed greater improvements. The chapter identified obesity as a global crisis. People in the global world are living stable lives being bombarded by fast food advertising and quick fix miracle diets. There is hence some need for the interventions which are aimed at promoting weight loss.

Disadvantages of the Strategies

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