What Happens to Inner Cities During “White Flight”?

What Happens to Inner Cities During “White Flight”?

The following is information regarding your reading assignment and written assignment for our second book read. For this week, you will need to read section 7 of our online textbook as well as the prologue, chapters 1-12 of “Evicted” then answer the questions below. Answers for each question should be at least 200 words. Some questions will have multiple parts. You should avoid answering with short yes/no answers. These are discussion questions designed to make you reflect on the information you are reading and to think through your answers. Answers should flow as if they were short “essay” papers. Each question is worth 10 points.

  1.  Section 7.09 of our textbook discusses how wealthier people are able to flee inner cities to the suburbs. Many sociologists call this occurrence “white flight.” Use examples from “Evicted” to explain what happens to inner cities when this happens? What happens to the property tax base? What/who is left behind?
  2. Chapter 5 of “Evicted” discusses Arlene’s story. Her son Jafaris begins to show signs of anger issues and learning disabilities. How can homelessness result in a loss of cultural capital? Discuss how cultural capital and social capital are different.
  3. What is the privatization of risk? Use examples you have read in the book “Evicted” and discuss the consequences of the privatization of risk.

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