Academic Essay Prompt 1: Short Story

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Academic Essay Prompt 1: Short Story

Select ONE of the following prompts. Be sure to follow the directions.

Prompt 1: Short Story

Create a short story using all you have learned so far in the unit. Include archetypes, literary elements, figurative language, and academic vocabulary words you learned in the course to shape your story. What is the setting, plot, characters, etc. How will you use figurative language such as metaphor and alliteration? What type of characters will you include? Ensure that you also demonstrate a clear point-of-view such as omniscient, limited omniscient, third-person, narrative, or first person, within your story.

Your short story should include a title, and be a minimum of 4 pages and a maximum of 5 pages in length. Please submit a typed paper, using Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, and double-spaced lines (Please space your lines). Be sure to also use paragraph formatting, with the first line of each paragraph being indented.

Prompt 2: Literary Service Announcement (LSA) Assignment

  • You have had a relationship with archetypes since a young age—Carl Jung might argue this is true since your conception. In fact, many children’s cartoons use archetypes as part of their humor (think of Tweedy Bird and Sylvester, Tom and Jerry, or The Simpsons). Throughout this unit, you have identified common archetypes across ancient and modern texts and visuals.

Choose the ONE archetype you most relate to, recognize, and/or like.

  • Create a public service announcement that educates your audience on the role of the archetype as well as persuades them that your archetype is one of the greatest—most common, most powerful, most dynamic (changes the most), most unique, etc.

The guidelines for the LSA are below. In your LSA you should…

  • Educate and inform the reader of the common uses of the archetype and give examples. include content that is developed and shows mature thought. ensure ideas are organized strategically. ensure grammar and spelling are polished.
  • Persuade and ensure word choice is purposeful. ensure rhetoric is used effectively. ensure presentation is geared towards audience. ensure excellent use of creativity in some form to sell your archetype. use creative elements (examples include images, music, modern day connections, performance).

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