Activity 2: Definition of Culture

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Week 3: Activity 2: Definition of Culture

Section 1

Different scholars define culture differently. The definition of culture varies from one person to another due to the environment, context, and purpose of why culture is being referred to in any given context. However, among all the definitions of culture that I have learned, one meets my understanding of culture in the workplace. Culture can be defined as the set of shared, taken-for-granted, implicit assumptions held by a particular group and that helps in determining how the group perceives, thinks, and reacts to its environment (Spencer-Oatey and Franklin, 2012, p. 11). In simple terms, cultures refer to the shared beliefs, assumptions, ethics, and values that people form/ have about their workplace. A plagiarized student sample: ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

There are many reasons why I support the definition that culture entails shared assumptions, beliefs, ethics, and values. To begin with, culture introduces the aspect of organizational culture in a business that spells out the norms, behaviors, attitudes, and policies adopted by a business. The success of a culture depends on the values of an organization (Kotter, 2008, p. 80). If the value of a company is promoting effective communication, then a communication language/culture is made known to all employees and clients of the company to enhance communication. Also, different people come from varying backgrounds where their social beliefs vary and form an organization. Further, ethics defines the responsible behavior of an organization; and this forms its culture.

Section 2

The business world has turned out to be very competitive, and this has triggered most companies in establishing proper organizational cultures as a strategy to achieving the set corporate goals. Commonwealth Bank defines culture as the values, beliefs, ethics, and behavior exemplified by employees while in the workplace. At the company, the management established work ethics that defines how employees conduct themselves in responding to customers concerns and queries. There is a clear language that is used both internally and while interacting with the outsiders, and this is Australian English. Further, every employee is expected to respect the seniors, colleagues, and subordinate officers who work in the company, and this is part of the organization’s culture (Bellot, 2011, p. 30). There is a clear set of policies documented and shared with all employees about the values they are expected to conform to while in the workplace. Commonwealth Bank stands for accountability, equity and diversity, respect, professionalism, and ethics. The management has provided a conducive working environment that motivates and encourages employees to increase productivity and offer first class banking services to the customers. Today, the organization attracts employees from all diversity due to its positive public reputation due to its unique culture and value for employees as the most important assets of the company. A plagiarized student sample: ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

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