Annotated Bibliography- Employee Resistance to Change

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Annotated Bibliography- Employee Resistance to Change

John, M. W. & Baird, B. K., 2000. Leading organizational change. Journal of Workplace Learning, 12(2), pp. 66-74.

In general, change management entails the continuous review and renewal of organization’s structure, directions, and capabilities in order to meet the market demand. Any great change encounters resistance. According to John and Baird, change management is not all about managing change (John & Baird, 2000, p. 66). Rather, change management is about managing people. In the Journal of Workplace Planning, change management involves the management of a particular workplace issue, in this case employee resistance to change.

In John and Baird’s journal, change strikes at the hearts of work behavior in terms of identity, purpose, and mystery. In an organization, the workforce is goal-oriented and desire to achieve valuable results. In case change violates their sense of purpose, employees resist that change. Also, employees demand a sense of consistency and integrity over time. Introducing a change that creates either internal or external pressure to a personnel’s identity is highly resisted (John & Baird, 2000, p. 68). However, implementation of a change that activates people’s identity motivates them to accept change. Further, workplace survival of an employee matter in change management. If a change threatens employees’ sense of mystery, this is perceived as threat to their positions and survival in the workplace.

However, John and Baird experience and research on….Show More Content….

Cynthia, W., 2012. Employees’ Reactions to Organizational Change. Od Practitioner, 44(2), pp. 23-28.

Research shows that most change initiatives fail. In general, employee resistance is the major cause of unsuccessful change initiatives. Different employees react differently to change by either accepting or resisting it (Cynthia, 2012, p. 23). In Cynthia’s journal, she gives a model illustrating the process of how reactions to change by employee’s get formed. Annotated Bibliography- Employee Resistance to Change

According to Cynthia, a number of factors influence employee’s reactions to change. Change process entails moving from the known to the unknown. Due to this, employees’ reactions to change are obvious. While this is vital, the symptoms of employee reactions to change must be accessed effectively in order to understand the causes behind such. Employee communication, cognition and emotion, and participation in decision making are the….Show More Content….

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