Assessment 2 – Exchange Rate
A 2500 words essay provides an opportunity for the students to demonstrate their general understanding on topics covered in the first 6 weeks. It will also enable students to get into more practical issues such as collecting data and carrying out some basic quantitative estimation. It accounts for 30% of the final mark.
This essay should include three parts required as below:
- Summaries the history of the exchange rate regime of a particular country (10%);
- Discuss three relationships that describe the behaviour of exchange rate (CIP, PPP, IFE) (10%);
- Present your own data (monthly data for no less than 5 years) and estimation of PPP between a particular country and the US (10%).
Note: students will be assisted during the computer lab session in Weeks 8, 16 and 17 regarding data collection and estimation.
Assessment criteria
- Appropriate structure and consistency/logic
- Good presentation
- Reasoned argument and conclusion
- Scope of research
- Originality
- Critical Analysis
- Good referencing