Assessment 3 – BUSM4505 Strategic HR Development

Assessment 3 – BUSM4505 Strategic HR Development


Career development is a set of programs designed to meet an employee’s needs, capabilities, and goals on their career in the Organization as well as future opportunities, as defined by Lisa (Flores, 2017). Employers yearning to practice knowledge retention must include this in the Organization’s developmental strategy. It also affects an employee’s productivity. This report is majorly aimed at stressing the need for establishing a career development program in the Drizor Organization. Some of the benefits include promoting a positive organizational culture, ensuring the availability of desired abilities when needed, and promoting workers and knowledge retention. This issue has not been accorded any priority in the past few years. Employees in the company have been yearning for the opportunity to get career development programs in the Organization without success. This could be resulting from the Organization’s tightening of expenditure. Since this is an essential contributor to the growth of the company, there is a need to include career development program costs in budgeting.  Lack of such an important program translates into decreased knowledge retention in the firm. Some of the benefits of the project include reduced cost of recruitment as it is done within the Organization, workers remaining in the Organization for a long and discovering new talents, capabilities, and skills from the employees.  Some of the trends that will be investigated while strategizing includes career development software, which avails all the required information to the employees. The challenges of developing this program include the cost, for instance, creating workbooks and providing for workshops; also, the long process involved in strategizing will cost some time. Recommendations on how to go about the program implementation are provided in this report.

Understanding of Career Development and Current Issues.

Career development is an important part of career planning. It is basically a set of programs whose purpose is to meet an employee’s career needs, abilities and goals. The goal of these programs is not only to develop the employees based on the opportunity at hand to boost their productivity, but also to equip them well for them well for future career endeavors (Flores, 2017). Creating great career development programs provides for a forum to engage with employees, aids in increasing employee retention which translates into realizing expertise within the company and creating a good lasting organizational culture (Kaya, 2014). Some of the challenges associated with career development at workplace include the uncertainty that comes with promotion and failure of employees to open about their career objectives. These programs may bring along extra expenditure to the company hence most firms try to avoid them. Drizor Organization has tightened its expenditure, and this could be the reason career development has been ignored for the past years (Osibanjo, 2014). The responsibility of the employee in developing career development program is to initiate and manage their own career plans, (McElroy, 2016).The role of the employer is to ensure the set program suits the needs of the employees.

Developed Career and Development Strategy for the Organization.

For Drizor, this career development strategy is set to be achieved within the next 10 years. Strategizing career development should be done keenly to ensure success of the program. The initial stages of this project should include setting the objectives. The major objective is to ensure that employees who possess desirable qualifications and experience are available from within the Organization, (Gideon, 2018). The next step is to know where to focus. Some of the areas to focus on include.

Asking for the employees’ opinion.

The program is basically for the employees. Therefore, their views need to be heard. The program will be beneficial only when it suits the needs and expectations of the employees, (Kaya, 2014). By considering employees views when designing the program, the project goals will be aligned to the employee ideas and thus making it easy to achieve them within the set strategic period of 10 years.


After knowing what the employees want, a comprehensive plan can be done. Intensive planning needs to be done to ensure the program is a success. The management could meet and discuss the program, while jotting its key components down. Planning touch on all the aspects of the program, including its cost (Stump, 2017). In this plan, employee concerns will be factored in to prevent chances of underperformance, loss of morale, conflicts among the team, and other employee related challenges.

Looking into various career development strategies.

Picking up several strategies is advantageous. For example, provision for providing for career workshops as well as providing for training on various job roles and responsibilities. However, I would recommend mentoring and coaching workers as a way of facilitating career development. This is because this strategy is more personalized (Gideon, 2018). An employee will be able to reap all the benefits of the program from a personal level. Thus, the main career development techniques which the healthcare organization would rely on include:

  • Training
  • Mentoring
  • Coaching

Ensuring transparency.

The Organization should communicate the goals of the program from the word go. Giving employees information on the organizational roles available to them will promote a good workplace culture (Stump, 2017). Next, information on what career development activities will lead them into these roles should be provided. A career development software, explained by Stump, (Stump, 2017) could be designed to make this information available to each employee. Transparency would allow the Organization to avoid chances of fraud, procrastination, and other forms of behavior which can undermine the successful achievement of the set goals within the 10-year strategic plan period.

Provision of tools and resources.

This means giving adequate assistance for the employees to participate fully in the program. This can be achieved through training, mentoring, and coaching (Hedge, 2017). The tools and resources required to navigate the program can be made available on the development program. The right tools would means that supervisors, employees, and other team members are organized and focused to achieving the set goals; equipping the Organization’s employees with the right set of skills, knowledge, and competence to discharge healthcare services with diligence, accuracy, and in ways that minimize the harm to patients (Hedge, 2017).

Organization’s management initiatives

The Organization’s management should then proceed to into taking initiatives which are:

  • Coming up with career planning workshops: From these, employees will be able to get guidance on how to assess their own values, interests and aim
  • Preparing for workshops: Here, workers will have the opportunity to discuss their own career plans and do a comparison with those of other people. They will also learn how to set their own career goals and how to make the most suitable career decisions. From the workshops, employees will also be able to develop confidence and self-esteem.
  • Conducting career counselling: This can be done by the Human Resource managers, line managers or even specialists from outside the Organization
  • Conclusion Regarding Development Strategy Challenges that may come up.

Having to deal with change.

Developing and implementing this program may pose a challenge by bringing about changes in budget, technology, like career development software, and mergers. This challenge will be overcome through intensive planning before the development of the program.

Recommendations and Implementation Plan.

Engaging workers during training and mentorship sessions.

The best solution to keep the workers active during training also lies in the planning phase. Involving employees when choosing or developing the program is key. If the program does not match their interests, they may not wish to participate in the training.

Assessing the effectiveness of the program.

Finding out the best metrics to use might be quite difficult. However, once the program is developed, consultations from experts may be done.

Developing and implementing a successful career development program will be beneficial to both the Organization and the employees. Some of the major benefits to the Organization include the following as in the article:

  • Employee turnover will be reduced. Since more promotional avenues will be created. Many employees believe that career success lies under job promotion. This means that employee retention will be promoted. Consequently, new talents will be discovered, and more experts will come up.
  • The morale of the employees will be lifted. This is much likely to lead into higher productivity at workplace as argues in.
  • The cost of recruiting entirely new employees will be cut as new capabilities are realized from workers within the Organization.

Summary of the report.

The report stipulates the desirable strategy and how to go about coming up with a program that will be successful. All the challenges can be overcome though meaningful planning, and employee’s involvement. Communication between the workers and the management will go a long way into making this project a success.

I would highly recommend this strategy to the Executive team of the Drizor organization, as it will bring about satisfaction at workplace for both the organizational management and the employees. Since workers have already indicated their need for this program, denying them the chance may result into increased employee turnover as they go looking for the opportunity to develop their career.


Flores, L. Y., 2017. Journal of Career Development. Sage Journals, 44(3), p. 58.

Gideon, J., 2018. promoting career development in the early years of people’s lives through self- and career construction counselling to promote their career resilience and career adaptability. Taylor& Francis Online, 188(1), pp. 421-424.

Hedge, J. W., 2017. Improving Career Development. Business Management Journals, 13(3), p. 47.

Jackson, C., 2012. CAREER DEVELOPMENT: THE CHALLENGE FOR ORGANISATIONS. International Journal of Career Management, 3(3), p. 99.

Kaya, K., 2014. An Empirical Study on the Role of Career Development Programs in Organizations and Organizational Commitment on Job Satisfaction of Employees. An American Journal of Business and Management, 22(1), p. 78.

McElroy, J. C., 2016. The Connections Between Careers and Organizations in the New Career Era. Sage journals, 43(1), pp. 11-25.

Osibanjo, A., 2014. Career Development as a determinant for Organizational Growth. American International Journals of Social Science, 3(7), p. 245.

Stump, R. W., 2017. Assessing the Impacts of Career Development in Organizations: A Case in Point. Sage Journal, 15(4), pp. 47-53.

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