Assessment Task 3 Authentic Tasks – Group presentation
Type: Group based presentation
Topic : Maslow Hierarch of needs
Students will be assigned to groups by the lecturer who will also allocate a topic to each group. To complete this assessment students must work in groups to:
- Research on the allocated topic (2 recent scholarly journals and atleast one applied activity e.g. a related video, best seller book or HBR article, movie clip, game etc.)
- Prepare a professional presentation on the topic
- Present the topic within stipulated time limit, including the activity (be careful not to exceed the time limit as you will be asked to stop presentation when your time is over)
- Actively participate in the question answer session with the Challenge team One member of the team will upload the ppt on Moodle, 24 hours before the class presentation.
Peer evaluation as this assessment is a group assessment, individual contributions to the group effort are also included in the final mark for this assessment task. This will be assessed through a peer evaluation process. Each student will complete an evaluation of how well each member of their presentation group contributed to the group presentation. The peer evaluation sheet (provided on the subject Moodle site) must be completely and submitted separately by each group member through Moodle at the same date and time that the presentation is due. The peer evaluation is designed to allow students to have a voice in the marks that their peers receive relevant to their role/contribution to the group presentation. Please notify the lecturer during the group work process if you anticipate an inequitable workload distribution in your group. The lecturer will attempt to mediate the issues. Challenge Team Each presenting team will have a challenge team who will pose insightful questions based on the presentation. MARKING CRITERIA Detailed marking criteria will be made available on Moodle.