HRM- Commonwealth Bank Australia

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HRM- Commonwealth Bank Australia

Human Resource Management in Australia


Human resource management entails the approaches that ensure that the formal systems devised for the management of the organization and people are realized at ease. Crucial aspects of human resource management such as recruitment of the employees, administration, performance, and selection need to be done effectively in order to ensure that an organization succeeds.    Labor relations, as well as talent management, are paramount elements for the organization.  An effective human resource manager ensures that their organizations have enough staff with the right skills, employees are compensated with benefits and defining work. The human resource manager in Australia ensures that the interventions are set with the view of linking the cultural change and the strategic planning. In strategic management, models that put emphasis on both the management aspect of the organization and the human aspect of management are put into consideration (Omotayo & Adoniji, 2012, p. 5). The organization utilizing this approach not only ensures that they remain competitive but also ensure that the employees remain comfortable at the place of work. This will lead to job satisfaction as well as greater job security, therefore, contributing to the success of the organization. The human resource manager, therefore, needs to set approaches that ensure that the organization remains competitive while regarding the needs of the employees (Uenice, 2014, p. 2). The paper gives an analysis of the learning experience in the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, the outcomes of the organization based on the strategies of the human resource and the lessons learned.


Learning experience

In regarding the learning experience, the human resource manager of the organization ensured that strategic plans are set for the organization to ensure that the organization not only compete locally but also at global level. Additionally, the manager knew very well that good plans without the right employees with the right skills, with the right tools cannot succeed. It, therefore, launched approaches that ensured that employees’ needs are well met timely and provided with the right tools. Some of the common approaches that ensured the employee is comfortable at the place of work for instance through training them to get the required skills for them to work at ease without stress due to fear of the uncertainties (Josephat, 2011, p. 10).

Taking care of the needs of the employees, for instance, the health conditions will ensure that they deliver their best since they will have nothing to get worried about.  There is the need for the employees to be given enough time to accomplish various tasks assigned to them without stressing them. Motivation is another approach whereby employees need to be given gifts based on their performance in order to ensure that they work hard to attain the gifts next time. Additionally, the human resource managers need to ensure that they communicate with their employees with the view of identifying and implementing the support the employees need. Supports needed by the employees such as working in rotating shifts are appropriate and planning the organizational meetings away from the place of work as a way of breaking the monotony of the employees in the workplace (William,, 2017.p.17).

When the human resource is recruiting and selecting the employees for the organization, the recruitment exercise needs to meet various criteria, for instance, ensuring the aspect of gender balance in the organization is realized. Additionally, racial balancing is critical. The manager should also put into consideration the aspect of balancing the age, such that young employees need to be recruited as well as the experienced ones in order to ensure that everyone learns from each other which also gives an opportunity for creativity and innovation in the organization. This boosts the performance of the organization.  Above all, the right employees with the right skills need to be recruited for such jobs (Armstrong, 2008, p. 14).

The human resource manager needs to work strictly regarding the legal regulation demands, for instance, there is the need to ensure that employees are not discriminated at the place of work. The labor standards set need to be achieved too. Organizations need to ensure that adverse validation impacts are also monitored and all elements of harassment particularly sexual harassment need to be condemned in the organizations (Cooper & Morgan, 2008, p.25).


Positive Outcomes

Positive outcomes come as a result of the need to balance the organizational goals and the needs of the employees, it led to improved performance of the organization and the employees’ performance.  Crucial elements of the organization such as selection of the employees when done effectively, job well designed, reward systems well planned and effective decision making in the organization will lead to the expansion of the organization. The effectiveness of the organization automatically ensures that the organization’s employees enjoy too. The organization was able to effectively utilize the available resources in relation to the needs and goals of the organization. Additionally, such instances ensure easy management of the diversity and workforce balancing. Organizations compete favorably at the global level just the way the Commonwealth Bank of Australia launched various branches in various regions of the world. The employees are given time to adopt the changing technologies, therefore, delivering accordingly despite the changes in technology (Verboncu, 2013, p. 5).

Negative Outcomes

Negatively, in order to ensure that the plans of the organization succeed at the same time the employees’ needs should be taken good care of, the cost of production has to increase, through paying well the employees and motivating them. This leads to increasing the sales of the services or goods produced in order to recover the high costs incurred during the production phase. Wastage of time with the employees by giving them vocations and offs during working days, therefore, wasting time(Appiah, 2010, p.19).

What prompts the outcomes?

The outcomes are due to the way the human resource management is determined to ensure that the organization succeeds at the same time employees are comfortable. This initiative is demanding and needs resources to be invested in through the purchase of the needed technology, training of the personnel and paying them well. Al these aspects demand a lot of time too, therefore, leading to wastage of time as well (Smith, 2010,p. 449). The profitability of the company will increase hence increased productivity of human resources and competitiveness of the company in the industry. Training and development of employees boost their creativity and innovativeness in the business.

Lessons learned

Organizations need to balance both the human aspect of managing the organization as well as the management aspect of the organization. When the balance is attained not only benefits the organization but also the employees of the organization. It is also clear that the human resource is the crucial aspect of the organization determining whether an organization succeeds or fails. The success of the business is realized if the policies of the personnel and the procedures of the business are linked closely with and major contributions to, the realization of the goals of the organization and its strategic plans. It is the responsibility of the human resource manager to find, secure, guide and develops employees that compatible talents with the desire of the organization in relation to the future plans of the company ( Zoni 2012,p.120). Talent development leads to increased staff morale and retention in an organization. The management needs to establish procedures and policies in line with the company vision and mission in order to boost the performance of human resources.

Key components of the business to succeed entails enhancement of integration, cooperation across the company and instituting of both qualitative and quantitative approaches to performance measurement. It is the duty of the human resource manager to monitor the strength and weaknesses of the employees of the organization with the view of helping them to improve their strength and eliminate their weaknesses. These cannot be achieved through carrying out reviews, testing, and training of the employees. Organizations need to know that investing well in employees, as well as technology, will have a positive implication on performance, therefore, should be upheld. It is the duty of a manager of the organization to identify suitable policies and procedures that aim at ensuring that the organization runs accordingly (Ferreira& Otley, 2009, p. 265).


To sum up, it is clear that an efficient and effective human resource manager will ensure that the organization utilizes the available resources efficiently in order to achieve the set goals for the organization. The policies and objectives needed for the growth of the organization should be designed by the human resource management department.  The human resource also ensures that the organization maintains its competitive advantage as well as meeting the needs of the employees to enhance job satisfaction. Organizational structure and the culture of the organization need to be structured properly in line with the objectives of the organization. It is important for the organizations’’ managers to understand that the way the employees are managed determines the workflow of the workplace.  When recruiting the employee’s important aspects such as their skills, racial balance and gender balance need to be regarded to ensure that they are attained to effectively.



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