Assignment 2 – Case Study Assessment
Assessment instruction
As your Case Study for this Assessment: Choose a 4- or 5-star International Hotel. Imagine you are the Revenue Manager at this hotel.
Answer the below questions based on the information you have from this hotel. Provide creative answers to each of these questions with specific examples that could be used by the Revenue Team at this hotel.

Assessment format |
Write an introduction to the hotel, including location, number of rooms and types, predicted target market, and competitors. Is it a seasonal hotel? When would be their peak demand periods? When would be off-peak?
Revenue Culture & Pricing
- How do you believe the Revenue Management culture would be in this hotel? What pricing strategies do you believe they are using?
- How do you believe the revenue management culture should be established in this hotel?
- In your answer, discuss the hotel’s competitive set and analyse how the hotel is performing rate wise compared to the competitors.
- How would you evaluate the competition?
Perceived Value
- Discuss the difference between using perceived value as a basis for pricing and misleading advertising.
- Give some examples of how this hotel could use perceived value.
- Discuss the importance of forecasting for this hotel.
- Explain how you believe the hotel would undertake its forecasts (including the steps you take to forecast, and data required to forecast).
Revenue Measurements
- Compare and contrast the relative merits of RevPAR, RevPOR, GOPPAR and RevPASH as measures of performance.
- At your chosen hotel, when would you expect the Revenue Manager to use each measurement and why?
- What elements of the hospitality experience are not measured by these approaches?
- Explain why the elements, not measured mathematically, are important to the business revenue stream, and how would you measure them?
Write a conclusion on your perception of the hotel’s overall performance revenue-wise and make any recommendations.
Note: You are encouraged to use a variety of artefacts to justify your answers.
Please follow this contents and requirements in the report. |

Word limit: 1500 Equivalent