Blog Reflection Essay

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Blog Reflection Essay


The number of courses requiring students to write reflective reports is continually increasing.  While reflection writing is an occasional requirement, it is a core feature to most or all course assignments. Reflection writing is an evidence of reflective thinking, and this unit requires every student to reflect on the blogs presented in the class (Brown & Wyatt, 2010). In the context of this course, reflective writing will involve looking back at the blogs, analyzing the ideas presented in the blogs, and employing a careful thought about what the blog’s idea means to me in this course unit as well as my ongoing signs of progress as a learner.


Presentation: Blog Description

During the 10th week, our class had group presentations. The first presentation was done by the lecturer and followed by other four groups. The four groups explained their subject and analysis and provided solutions to the problems by applying various design thinking tools. As I followed their presentations, I was comparing all the design tools used by the four groups in generating relevant solutions to the issue at hand. In attempts to figure out a solution to long queues in the drive-through of McDonald, KFC, and Rod Rooster; one team explained the whole design tool. I failed to grasp a clear idea on the practical use of 2-3 design thinking tools but after the presentation, I understood the concept well (Brown & Wyatt, 2010). When presenting, the lecturer taught us the 3rd assessment, self-reflection. Self-reflection involves self-analysis of the design thinking tools. Blog Reflection Essay

Presentation: Blog Analysis and Evaluation

Prior to the introductory presentation by Dr. Michael, I had no idea of what self-reflection entails and whether or not it plays an important role in academic courses. Despite it being an informal mode of study in universities, the lecturer emphasized on its importance basically in self-analysis. Prior to the presentations by the four groups, I lacked a clear idea of the practical use of design thinking tools and their applicability in decision making. I thought long queues have no correlation to decision making, but from the presentation, I learned that different decision making design tools are required in solving such problems. Therefore, people in different managerial positions should use the right design tool in forming the relevant decision to resolve any problem faced by an organization.

Prototype: Blog Description

During the 8th week, the lecture was about a prototype. The lecturer gave us an in-depth explanation of a prototype. Dr. Michael taught us the various prototype types with relevant examples together with related techniques. He categorized prototypes into rapid, early rapid and later rapid prototyping. The lecturer taught us the importance of prototyping in business in the context or airplane and bricks. Later on, we were taught various techniques such as storyboarding, wire farming, sketching, paper prototyping, and physical prototyping (Seidel & O’Mahony, 2014). We further made a new prototype for the new idea where the professor gave all groups various ideas. Our group designed a prototype for new public transport. Suddenly, we invented a mind-blowing idea of an Arial tram service for people. At the end of the lecture, our group was done in preparing a one paper prototype. Blog Reflection Essay


Prototype: Blog Analysis and Evaluation

The eight-week lecture provided me a great roadmap to understanding what prototype entails and its applicability in the workplace. Initially, I lacked an in-depth understanding and knowledge about a prototype. I used to think that prototype has no timing. However, from the lecture I learned that prototypes exist in various forms; rapid, early rapid, and later rapid. Also, I lacked any knowledge about the importance of prototyping in business. After the week eight lecture, I understood its relevance to business especially in the field of airplane and bricks. Other techniques such as sketching, wireframing, storyboarding, paper prototyping, and physical prototyping also thrive under this concept. From the experience, I gained wide varied ideas about the application of prototypes in the transport sector and how it can effectively get integrated into business in providing quality customer services.

Brainstorming: Blog Description

Lecture five discussions began in the fourth week where the lecturer explained to us the concept of brainstorming using a circle example. The main objective of lecture five discussions was finding out whether it is right to metro signal rules or break traffic. Dr. Michael gave us an in-depth explanation of the concept where we acquired understanding about brainstorming and its relationship to design thinking at work. The problem at hand was finding ways of waste reduction of coffee bags and plastic bags. All of us had to brainstorm and come to a consensus on the right ways of resolving the problem. Blog Reflection Essay

Brainstorming: Blog Analysis and Evaluation

I was excited to realize that brainstorming works well in the coming up of inclusive ideas towards right decision making. Prior to lecture five discussions, I never had a proper understanding of the concept of brainstorming and its application in problem-solving. I used to think that design think has nothing to relate with brainstorming. However, I learned that sole decision making to solve a problem is always challenging, and people may make mistakes in this process (Levine et al., 2016). For instance, when generating means of reducing coffee bags and plastic bags wastage. Due to brainstorming, we were able to come up with ideas of converting plastic bags and coffee cups into biodegradable materials as well as proper disposal into water bodies. In the brainstorming event, few things became invented. This was the result of laziness and comfort by people like remote, pizza delivery, and dishwater. At the end of the lesson, I had gained a proper understanding of design thinking and empathy in need analysis.


Learning launch: Blog Description

During lecture nine, the topic of learning launch was started by the instructor. In its introduction, Dr. Michael defined the concept of learning launch and provided its importance in our course. In its definition, learning launch involves experimenting a marketplace using real-world assumptions. In the brief, the instructors gave us three steps for this concept. These steps entail planning, executing, and lastly learning from the learning launch. In the activity conduction, this related to the 8th-week lesson of a prototype. But in this sense, we thought from a rough perspective in attempts to advance our ideas in relation to learning launch. Blog Reflection Essay

Learning Launch: Blog Analysis and Evaluation

Prior to lecture nine discussions, I was unable to relate learning launch and its impact in a marketplace. I used to think that the concept does not apply in real-world situations. On the lesson, I understood that learning launch is the process of assumption testing in the real world marketplace situations. In the lecture, I learned that learning launch exists in three steps; planning the learning launch, executing the learning launch, and third learning from the learning launch (Al‐Zahrani, 2015). In attempts to ensure we understood the concept well, the lecturer used the examples of Nicorette and Pfizer after which we were tasked to undertake a small activity that related to lecture eight prototypes. Later, we undertook a rough plan idea in attempts to advance our learning on the idea. In this situation, I gained an understanding of what real launch entails.

Ethics: Blog Discussion

This blog was discussed on August 31st, 2018; and it was about the research data. The main objective of the discussion was coming up with ways of improving the research data as well as collecting it. Our tutor provided us with the tricks and tips for gathering sufficient and appropriate data. His explanations were full of perfect examples that greatly assisted us in understanding the concept. The tutor taught us that data exists in either qualitative or quantitative modes. We did various activities pertaining to data collection, where certain ethical concepts were to be applied. The tutor taught us that data collections go hand in hand with research ethics. Without research ethics, a researcher is incomplete. Blog Reflection Essay

Ethics: Blog Analysis and Evaluation

During this discussion, I learned the relationship between research data and ethics. I was not aware that acquiring the right research data requires a researcher to possess certain ethical attributes. It is not only in Australia but also a worldwide requirement that research is integrated with ethical skills, such as integrity, respect, independence, and objectivity (Aguinis & Henle, 2002). In this lesson, I learned that data is acquired through surveys and gathering of information through other sources. Also important, the two types of data are quantitative and qualitative approaches. However, the most important aspect in research data collection is ethics. Ethics assists researchers improve the quality of their research data. Perfect ethics leads to perfect research, and every researcher needs to have this understanding. Ethics define researcher interview skills in design thinking, and this is a core attribute to every researcher.

Mindset design: Blog Description

On the 24th August 2018, this marked the culmination of design research discussion point of the week. Our professor gave us a perfect example of how the value chain is used and every attribute we are all required to know about the value chain. He explained that value chain entails a type of activity inside an organizational setting combined and utilized after a product or service creation. The lesson also discussed on value addition whereby every stakeholder ranging from customers, employees, and suppliers work towards increasing profitability and productivity of a company. Blog Reflection Essay

Mindset: Blog Analysis and Evaluation

Prior to the mindset study week lesson, the concept of value chain did not seem clear to me especially in the context of organizational profitability. After the lesson, I learned that value chain is any activity that involves suppliers, customers, and employees in order for a company to raise its profitability. A good Australian instance used in this mindset lesson was for companies like Shell, Woolworth, and Tiger Air. I understood that successful companies major on value network activities and the use of value network in activities such as benchmarking and workshops (Carter, 2008). I used to think that value network activities do not add value to the business. Instead, they are costly for an organization. However, my mindset was transformed after the lesson on learning that the benefits or this activity outshine the costs. Worldwide, the best-performing companies in terms of profits and productivity invest a lot in value creation and networking activities. At the end of the lesson, our mindsets were already transformed- and each student was ready to explore and practice this in their future career prospects.

Think Creativity: Blog Discussion

This blogging activity majored on creative thinking. All students participated in the creative thinking activities organized by our lecturer. We discussed various items in assessment 2 in a group assignment. The fact that the lesson was new to everyone, the tutor furnished us with creative thinking examples. In the course of group discussions, everyone made new friends. Sharing ideas became easy, and this is why the lesson was a success to all of us. Blog Reflection Essay

Think Creativity: Blog Analysis and Evaluation

Prior to the lesson, nearly every student possessed the wrong understanding and interpretation of what creative thinking entails. I learned that thinking creatively requires the thinker to go outside the box. And consulting group members is a way of outside the box. Teamwork is vital in thinking creatively since people think differently and have different ideas regarding any matter. I used to think that wild thinking and ideas always give bad results. However, from the lesson, I learned that it is from wild and meaningful thinking that innovative ideas get generated.  In every assessment, students must think outside the box in order to succeed in their studies. Failure to which, success becomes a fantasy. Creative thinking analysis is key and vital before making any decision (Lehrer, 2012). The layout and arrangement of ideas by students in their assignments reflects their level of thinking creatively. All in all, group discussions create a good environment in which every participant can think creatively and come up with new and useful ideas for resolving the problem at hand.


Creative Thinking: Blog Discussion

The 1st and 2nd assignment lessons were discussed in this lecture. The main focus was employed on assignment 1 about poster presentation. Designing of the posters and their review by the tutor was undertaken. Brainstorming activities followed the posters designing. The room for brainstorming desired to create room for creative thinking. Poster designs were to show our creativity levels.

Creative Thinking: Blog Analysis and Evaluation

During this activity, creative thinking was practically applied, tested, and reviewed by the tutor. Initially, I only understood the creative thinking in theoretical terms. However, in this lecture; we made posters which were reviewed by the lecturer to determine our creativity levels given that we already had learned the concept in theory. I learned that before designing anything, thorough brainstorming of the idea is required; and this is how teamwork systems work and operate (Gollwitzer, 2012). In this context, I learned that creative thinking goes beyond theory to new ideas, new innovations, and something unique that when applied helps resolve merging world issues. I also learned that in designing any innovative idea, one must be time conscious. Thus, creative thinking must integrate theory to practicability.

Thinking is the best way to get success: Blog Discussion

This lecture focused on a certain poster that related to some thinking process. First and foremost, we discussed Einstein’s insanity theory. We found that the theory encourages people to work over and over again in order to acquire different and meaningful results. Blog Reflection Essay

Thinking is the best way to get success: Blog Analysis and Evaluation

During the lesson, I learned that success directly relates to our rates of thinking. In particular, Einstein’s theory of insanity was vital in this lesson. Prior to this discussion, my thinking about achieving good results was that people require only training. However, I learned that it is by making the mind work over and over again that people and businesses succeed (Zahra & Nambisan, 2012). Funny enough, my interpretation that once given a task by a tutor or a manager; people should work on it and deliver results with no feedback from the tutor or managers was false. I learned that proper thinking goes hand in hand with results feedback system. Without providing feedback results, success cannot get achieved.  Business thinking is vital for every employee and employer (Madsen & Desai, 2010). Failure to which then the business will collapse. Double loop learning, single loop learning, and triple loop learning dictate thinking in its best way. At the end of the lecture, I learned that business success is dependent on the thinking level of its managers and other stakeholders.


This reflection report has followed two stages under which focus on the blogs, their description, and critical analysis preceded the identification of key point and solutions applicable to similar instances. Reflective writing thus helps learners in reflective about the past and applying them in real life situations. In this form of writing, students reflect on their strengths and weaknesses in different areas; and thus able to measure what impact the lessons or events under analysis and evaluation have had in their lives both academically and career-wise. Therefore, universities should make reflection writing as a mandatory course that every student must undertake before completion of his or her university studies.


Aguinis, H., & Henle, C. A. (2002). Ethics in research. Handbook of research methods in industrial and organizational psychology, 34-56.

Al‐Zahrani, A. M. (2015). From passive to active: The impact of the flipped classroom through social learning platforms on higher education students’ creative thinking. British Journal of Educational Technology46(6), 1133-1148. Retrieved from:

Brown, T., & Wyatt, J. (2010). Design thinking for social innovation. Development Outreach12(1), 29-43. Retrieved from:

Carter, E. (2008). Successful change requires more than change management. The Journal for Quality and participation31(1), 20. Retrieved from:

Gollwitzer, P. (2012). Mindset theory of action phases (pp. 526-545). Retrieved from:

Lehrer, J. (2012). Imagine: How creativity works. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Retrieved from:

Levine, J. M., Alexander, K. M., Wright, A. G., & Higgins, E. T. (2016). Group brainstorming: when regulatory non-fit enhances performance. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations19(2), 257-271. Retrieved from:

Madsen, P. M., & Desai, V. (2010). Failing to learn? The effects of failure and success on organizational learning in the global orbital launch vehicle industry. Academy of Management Journal53(3), 451-476. Retrieved from:

Seidel, V. P., & O’Mahony, S. (2014). Managing the repertoire: Stories, metaphors, prototypes, and concept coherence in product innovation. Organization Science25(3), 691-712. Retrieved from:

Zahra, S. A., & Nambisan, S. (2012). Entrepreneurship and strategic thinking in business ecosystems. Business Horizons55(3), 219-229. Retrieved from:


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