COM134 Human Resource Management

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COM134 Human Resource Management

Read the following piece called “Tina Fey’s Rules for Improv and Your Career” and answer the following questions:
2012/01/05/tina-feys-rules-for-improvand-your-career/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

  • Pick one aspect of the advice provided and discuss how you can avoid misunderstandings of semantic or pragmatic rules.
  • Based on the chapter’s discussion about language of responsibility, pick another tip from the article and describe how you can avoid language that rejects responsibility and, instead, reveals assertive communication.
  • How would you use the author’s (and Fey’s) advice in a job search or when you seek a promotion?

Objective: To compare the principles of self-perception to perception of self by others.

Assignment: List ten words to describe how you perceive yourself. Use a variety of descriptors: Roles, skills, physical attributes, personality characteristics, etc. then choose two people who know you to do the same. Choose one person who knows you well (a family member, close friend), and choose one person who is a casual acquaintance. Have each person list ten words to describe how they view you. Analyze the differences and similarities between the lists.

Assignment Specifics:

  • Paper must be 6-7 paragraphs minimum

Paragraph breakdown:

  • Paragraph #1—students are to provide an introduction introducing the paper and their thoughts going into this activity.
  • Paragraph #2—students are to list and describe how he/she sees him/herself.
  • Paragraph #3—students are to list the individuals they chose, describe his/her association with the student and then try to anticipate his/her perceptions of you
  • Paragraph #4—students will list the actual perceptions provided by the chosen individuals.
  • Paragraph #5-6—student must analyze the differences and similarities. Why are there differences? Did the two perceive you the same? Which person was closest to your perceptions of yourself?
  • Paragraph #7—provide a conclusion wrapping everything up. What did you learn from writing this paper? What do you understand about perception?

**Your paper needs to be written in essay form. You need to expand on your ideas!**

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