Commentary Critical Response Assignment

Commentary Critical Response Assignment

For this assignment, you will do a critical response to a video, audio or file.  A critique is an analysis of and a commentary on another piece of writing. In this case, it is the analysis of the material. It generally focuses on technique as well as on content. However, I want you to focus on content for this assignment. A critical response essay (or interpretive essay or review) has two missions: to summarize a source’s main idea and to respond to the source’s main ideas with reactions based on your synthesis. For the purposes of this assignment, do not summarize this video. I want you to focus on your own critical response. Remember that the discussion boards are graded and you will be evaluated in your critical thinking.  Summarizing the material is not expected in this assignment.

If you feel that your response is short, please connect this information to your book or other external sources. If you are to include other sources, you must include a bibliography or citations. Otherwise, it will be considered plagiarized information, and you will have to resubmit your work. Please include your citation in the same document and not as an additional document. You can use either MLA or APA.  You are strongly encouraged to include external resources, but it is not required. This will depend on your writing style and your willingness to improve your own writing.

You will submit the critical response in an essay format. Please do not neglect the use of proper grammar, spelling and structure. You are expected to write at least 1,000 words for full credit. The word count is towards the main body only. The word count is not applied to the name, title, references, images, etc. In addition, this is not a discussion board so you will not be replying to your classmates.

Please upload the text, a pdf or word document. I do not accept google links because it is a “live” document, and I do not have the resources to check when and by whom it was edited. If you submit more than one file, I will grade the most recent submission.

Option A (Memory): Police are Changing Lineup to Avoid False IDs

Although research has long demonstrated the unreliability of eyewitness identifications, police agencies largely resisted making changes until DNA exonerations over the past three decades presented incontrovertible proof that the wrong person had been convicted. The new policies, which have been adopted by police in half the states, largely grew out of research showing that traditional police practices and cues often induced witnesses to identify the wrong suspect. While some police organizations resisted the new policies, calling them impractical and possibly costly, many police departments, including those in Minneapolis and San Diego, adopted new eyewitness procedures without waiting for legislation. Learn more about in this article by the The Pew Charitable Trusts, “ Police Are Changing Lineups to Avoid False IDs .”

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