Critique of Sigmund Freud Psychoanalysis Theory

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Critique of Sigmund Freud Psychoanalysis Theory


Critique Sigmund Freud THEORY of Psychoanalysis Id, Ego, and Super Ego. (In the context of Criminology)

Human personality is intricate and comprises more than a distinct component. Based on Sigmund Freud’s theory, personality comprises of three fundamentals basically known as the id, ego, and the superego which work in harmony to produce the intricate human behaviors. Each component has a significant contribution in the unique personality and the three interact in powerful influential ways of personality. However, the theory has experienced various criticisms over the years especially due to the fact that the majors on sexuality as the main determiner of human behavior. In this essay, I will analyze the author’s theory of psychoanalysis in the context of criminology. It establishes that mental processes have a role to play in affecting individual inclinations for violence. The theory focuses on the psychological perspectives which explain the violent behavior.

Freud’s theory claims that the human behavior is created through the interactions of the three mechanisms portions of the mind which are the id, ego, and the superego. The theory emphasizes majorly on the role of insensible emotional clashes that create personality and behavior. The aggressive personality is based on perspectives which include psycho-dynamic perspective, instinct theory, personality, and behavioral theory. According to Freud, aggression is considered to be a reaction to the blocking of libidinal impulses and hence, it was neither part of life nor automatic.

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