Design and Innovation Ham Radio

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Design and Innovation Ham Radio

Assignment 3b – Project Presentation

A team presentation about your project with a physical prototype demonstrating your design.

Submission Internal students: Deliver the PowerPoint presentation in the workshop.

External students: Submit a video of your PowerPoint presentation. This could be a Powerpoint file with audio and converted to video format*, or a video recording of your team presenting.

Your presentation can be converted to video format within PowerPoint using File>Export>Create a video. Make sure you select the settings to enable Computer Monitor Display and to keep your Recorded Timings.

Alternatively, you have the option of presenting through an Online Class session as a team. Full guidelines and support for doing this will be provided. If you have any concerns about the presentation please contact your tutor.

Task overview Present your design project in a professional oral presentation.  The purpose of the presentation is to describe your project and communicate why your design solution is a good idea, given the context and needs identified. As a team, try to sell your idea to the audience. Your presentation should cover the issues in your final report but in less detail. All students need to participate in the presentation and will be assigned roles based on the project management plan.
Task details Your presentation should include the following:

(Note that it will be up to your team to determine the presentation structure, and speaking time should be fairly evenly split between team members.)

  1. An overview of the issue being addressed and the design solution.
  2. A demonstration/explanation of the design using a physical prototype.
  3. The specific details of how your design would be built and used in community. Details should include rough dimensions, materials, cost estimation and construction methods, etc.
  4. An explanation of why the proposed solution is suitable, from cultural, environmental, economical and technical points of view.
  5. How the design might be implemented as a solution in the community.

Any remaining constraints/issues surrounding the design solution.

The presentation is to be made as a team, i.e. each team member must participate in order to gain marks. Roles are explained on the next page. Marks are assigned for each role as detailed on the marking criteria.

Guidelines for Presentation of Design

The prototype model will include a physical, 3-dimensional representation of your proposed design solution. It does not have to be to scale, or be functional. Most importantly, it should clearly demonstrate the concept of your design – including layout, arrangement, and general construction.

You should also include any 2-dimensional aspects of your prototype (eg photos, diagrams or flowcharts) that will help the audience to further understand the intended function of your prototype – for example a cross section, or particular details of your design that aren’t clear in the physical prototype, or a flowchart of a system.

The design should be presented in a way which best demonstrates and highlights its usefulness. You will need to clearly communicate how your design works, simply exhibiting the model without explanation will not be sufficient.

 Team Roles The following is a rough guide as to what responsibilities each team member should fulfil in this assignment. See the marking criteria for further clarification of your responsibilities.

The Team is responsible for the following aspects of this task:

  • Determining the overall structure and content of the presentation
  • Providing a cohesive, visually appealing and engaging presentation
  • Development of the overall concept through communication and teamwork

Each member is responsible for preparing and delivering the content of their individual sections of the presentation slides and talk:

The Coordinator is responsible for: layout and design of the slide show. They should create a slide template and distribute it to the rest of the group. The coordinator presents the introduction to the context, the identified issue and design solution, and should conclude with any remaining constraints or issues of the solution. To ensure consistency, the coordinator should review the final draft of the slide show once each section is complete.

The Designer is responsible for: presenting design details, an explanation and demonstration of the design including how it is innovative, as well as the general construction and workmanship of the model and any supporting drawings.

The Researcher is responsible for: explaining the overall suitability of the design in terms of technical feasibility and cultural, environmental and economic sustainability, including an explanation of how the design might be implemented in the community context.

ALL STUDENTS are responsible for the success and delivery of this presentation.

DO NOT read in your presentation – very few marks will be given to wordy slides, and monotone readers.

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