ENG 125 Week 4 Discussion 3
Discussion 3
In Week 3, you submitted your draft to the Ashford Writing Center for review. In this forum, you will be asked to discuss what you learned from this experience and how you plan to use the feedback from the Writing Center as you move forward with your Literary Analysis.
Prepare: Prior to completing this discussion, you will need to have written a literary analysis draft and have submitted it to review to the Ashford Writing Center.
Reflect Icon
Reflect: Review the feedback you received from the Ashford Writing Center and consider how you will apply their suggestions as you develop your draft into a final literary analysis essay. Consider reviewing the Applying Feedback (Links to an external site.) resource from the Ashford Writing Center. ENG 125 Week 4 Discussion 3
Write Icon
Write: Your initial post must be 100-200 words in length and posted by Day 7. In your initial post, please do the following:
State the tracking number beginning with “ntp” found at the top of your reviewed paper.
Respond to the feedback by offering:
- A summary of what you learned from their comments;
- A three- to five-point plan of items you will address or revise for your final literary analysis; and
- Your thoughts on how you plan to use the services of the Ashford Writing Center in future courses.
Discuss Icon Guided Response: Peer responses are encouraged this week, but are not required.
Can you share in your classmates’ plans for revision? Why is it helpful to share ideas in the writing process?
Take a look at your classmates’ plans and offer a reliable website or other source that addresses an aspect of his/her revision. In addition to the Ashford Writing Center, what are some other resources that are helpful?