Ethical Practises in Organizations

Ethical Practises in Organizations

Ethics are essential for individuals, organizations, and nations.  Ethics are not limited to one particular business or position.  We are all responsible for creating an ethical workplace. In a 3- to 5-page paper, discuss how ethics are preserved in your workplace (current, past, or imagined future organization).  Are there any policies that must be followed?  If so, what are they?  If not, what policies or practices could or should be put in place?

Topic Selection One popular ethical topic often chosen by students is the Wells Fargo Bank.  The bank was fairly recently in the news for opening thousands of fraudulent accounts without notifying the customers or their “new” accounts.  Bank personnel were given bonuses for opening new accounts so many employees made bad ethical choices.  Students are often familiar with banks as they deal with checking accounts, student loans, and auto loans to name a few frequent transactions.  Students are usually smart about avoiding Internet scams, but scam artists can often be clever in their unethical schemes.

Note: Please include two or more logical headings such as Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion.  Also, please cite at least two online or printed sources and provide complete 4-part reference list entries (author, date, title, source) for each cited reference.

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