HRMT20029: International Employment Relations
Compare and contrast the role that the state plays in the system of employment relations in France with the role that the state plays in the system of employment relations in Denmark. (40 marks)
Word Length: 2500-3000 words
Reference List:
Employment relations in France
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Employment relations in Denmark
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Ibsen, CL 2016, ‘The role of mediation institutions in Sweden and Denmark after centralized bargaining’, British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 285-310.
Ibsen, CL 2016, ‘Making sense of employer collectivism – The case of Danish wage bargaining under recession’, Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 669–687.
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Wagner, I & Refslund, B 2016, ‘Understanding the diverging trajectories of slaughterhouse work in Denmark and Germany: A power resource approach’, European Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 335-351.