Post Traumatic Stress Disorder- Annotated Bibliography
Article 1:
Bisson, J. (2009). Psychological and social theories of post-traumatic stress disorder. 8(8), 290- 292. doi:10.1016/j.mppsy.2009.05.003
Summary: This article explains theories relevant to the health and maintenance of veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. It takes an in depth look at social and psychological theories of PTSD. This article contends that changing current schemas play a pivotal role in changing a person’s ability to cope with PTSD. This article shows that social influences also play a part in the successful maintenance of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Usefulness for my Literature Review: This article provides good insight into the cognitive model of post-traumatic stress disorder. I will be using it in my research of specific areas of post-traumatic stress disorder in military veterans. I think the information although relevant to certain groups suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder that are not veterans. It is specific enough to use for research concerning military veterans.
Article 2:
Coleman, P. (2006). Flashback: PSTD, suicide, and the lessons of war. Boston: Beacon Press.
Summary: This book discusses one of the more difficult subjects of veteran’s suicide. This book touches on the Vietnam era veterans who have taken their own life as the result of PTSD. This book talks about the warning signs of possible suicide and talks about the precursors to such an event. This also talks about the families of the veterans which is rarely touched upon when talking about PTSD.
Usefulness for my Literature Review: The subjects discussed in the book are relevant to my research topic as it will focus both on veteran’s suicide and families. The book is inline with both topics I would like to conduct more research on but provides a good baseline to start. Families of veterans are often discarded, they rather talk about the victim but rarely discuss the other victims which are the families left behind.
Article 3:
Committee on Veterans’ Compensation for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder., Institute of Medicine
(U.S.)., & National Research Council (U.S.). (2007). PTSD compensation and military service. Washington, D.C: National Academies Press.
Summary: This book discusses how the Department of Veterans Affairs evaluates its veterans and makes a determination on compensating its veterans.….Show More….