International Tourism MGNT Paper

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International Tourism MGNT Paper

International Tourism and Hospitality management (MSc Masters)

Academic Reading

An Essay 1000 words

This is a pass / fail piece of work to get you some early feedback on your academic skills. It is in the form of a short, 1000 word essay entitled:

‘Being firmly embedded in the capitalist drive for profit and growth, and being a ‘fuzzy’ concept at best, tourism is essentially unable to regulate itself. Protests against overtourism, the failure of Thomas Cook and the predicted 100% increase in flights over the next 20 years, despite the climate crisis, suggest the sector is out of control. What could be done and who should do it?


Marking criteria:

  • Research
  • Subject Knowledge
  • Critical Analysis
  • Academic Integrity

The marking criteria are taken from the LSBU Marking criteria scheme. Details are given at the end of this module guide. The criteria will be explained in class and interpreted for you in relation to each assignment. International Tourism MGNT Paper

This is a formative piece of work and as such does not carry a mark, but if you fail it you will be required to refer it at the usual time (usually by mid to late April). This addresses learning outcomes K1, K2, K4, T1, P2, P3, I4, I5

The assignment must be submitted through the Moodle portal, which will automatically run your work through turn it in. Be careful not to click of the final submission button before you have received your turn it in feedback and made any amendments.

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