Marketing Plan Presentation Assessment

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Marketing Plan Presentation Assessment

Learning objectives: In Assessment  you addressed the Collect and Analyse [CA] steps of the CADDIE planning process. In Assessment 3 you build on this and work through the Design and Develop [DD] steps of the CADDIE planning process and demonstrate an understanding of the business-marketing planning process.

Scenario: Shaver Shop is seeking recommendations on developing its first larger format store. Rather than being in a shopping centre this will be a free-standing store with a much bigger footprint. Consequently, Shaver Shop is seeking input on new store location, product adjustments and a launch plan.


Task: Specifically, your recommendations are to cover:

Location the actual location you recommend for this first larger format store [a specific street address not just a suburb]. You will access an online database [ABS Quickstats] to support your recommendation.

Customisation of the ‘Total Product’ as this store has a much larger footprint [i.e. it is much bigger] there is much more scope to make a more substantial product offering. Given this extra space, the various adjustments and augmentations you suggest are made to the Shaver Shop’s standard product offerings to ‘better’ meet the needs of the target market in this new location and further differentiate them from online offerings such as Amazon. Marketing Plan Presentation Assessment

Launch Communications Plana bullet point launch communications plan for the first 100 days of this new outlet. This plan recognising that for a new outlet ‘priming the pump’ of the sales pipeline by attracting lots of ‘first time’ customers is a key task. What offers will reduce risk and encourage trial?

Given that this is a national group, you have been asked to present your recommendations in an 8-minute podcast that will be viewed by Shaver Shop’s head office staff in Melbourne and key staff in different states. You will not be present at the viewing, and to make a good impression your presentation needs to have a logical flow, be clear, and concise, and of a professional standard.

Format: The accepted format will be a narrated PowerPoint [this means each slide has embedded voiceover]. Creativity including the use of images that demonstrate your knowledge will be rewarded. Please use a version of PowerPoint at least 2007 or later as these versions are conducive to recording and saving narrations- using an earlier version may mean your work cannot be marked.

Title [2 marks]

Gain the viewer’s attention with a creative title [you must also include your full name & student number here].

Beginning- Introduction [6 marks]

Introduce yourself, supply some context and background by including a brief summary of what will be covered in the presentation.
Remember the purpose of this presentation is to make appropriate recommendations to Shaver Shop and to allow you to employ your knowledge of marketing and marketing strategy.


Middle- Main Content [20 marks]

Here you will provide an explanation of your recommendations.

Location: the actual location you recommend for Shaver Shop’s next new store which will be a larger format freestanding store [i.e bigger and not within a shopping centre].
Based on the primary and secondary target markets you arrived at for Shaver Shop [from Ass2] recommend an appropriate location [a specific street address not just a suburb]. To do this you will need to consider the demographics of particular locations/ suburbs. ABS Quickstats data [see Module & Week 7] may assist here to help justify your choice. The location of existing Shaver Shop stores as well as major competitors should also be considered. Note – you are able to assume that any specific location you pick that is currently occupied will become available for your new store- it does not need to be vacant. The location must be within Australia. Marketing Plan Presentation Assessment

Customisation of the ‘Total Product’: given the above, the various adjustments and augmentations you suggest are made to the Shaver Shop’s standard product offerings to ‘better’ meet the needs of the target market in this new location and further differentiate them from online offerings such as Amazon. As you have a larger store it is possible to try lots of new things. This may involve the product considerations as well as the product layers and the product components of goods, services, people, places, experiences, ideas.

Launch Communications Plan: a bullet point launch communications plan for the first 100 days of this new store. This plan recognising that, for a new outlet ‘priming the pump’ of the sales pipeline by attracting lots of ‘first time’ customers is a key task. What offers will reduce risk and encourage trial?
You only have 8 minutes so you must be succinct and decide how much depth and detail to include bearing in mind the time limit. Remember the presentation needs to be professional, informative and showcase your learning of marketing and marketing strategy. Together these recommendations represent a marketing plan for this new store.
This all will take some research, thought and analysis.

End- Conclusions/ Final Observations [2 marks]

This should draw together all the main points from the main content. It should link your presented information and provide conclusions and/or final observations for the viewer.

Presentation and format [15 marks]

Well-crafted appropriate slides, plenty of relevant images, effective voiceover.

Overall a professional style that will serve to enhance the credibility of the author of the presentation and their boutique marketing consultancy.

Creativity will gain marks thus no further specifications [so as not to limit creativity]

Format: PowerPoint Presentation with audio narration [see instruction video on Blackboard for how to add narration]. Please use a version of PowerPoint at least 2007 or later as these versions are conducive to recording and saving narrations- using an earlier version may mean your work cannot be marked [any other format would require the lecturer’s written permission].

References and timing [marks may be deducted]

The presentation needs to be referenced with small in-text style references included in the PowerPoint slides and the final slide [after the conclusion and with no narration] to be a full normal end text reference listing. Referencing should be in accordance with the ECU Guide.
Time limit 8 mins [i.e. 480seconds] +/- 10% OK. Submissions over this time limit may attract a penalty. Naturally those noticeably under this will also probably gain fewer marks as it is hard to gain marks for points you have not made.


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