Mobile Phone Multitasking in Classroom
Annotated Bibliography
Quan, Chen and Yan Zheng. “Does multitasking with mobile phones affect learning? A review .” Computers in Human Behavior (2016): 34-42.
Mobile Phone Multitasking in Classroom Impairs Learning
In most colleges, students and faculty members are allowed to bring with them their mobile phones to a classroom. Use of mobile phones in classrooms is a source of distraction. Phone ringing in class during lecture divides students’ attention making it hard to grasp the content, and this adversely affects their performance. Sending and receiving texts negatively affects school performance as it captures attention and adversely affects student’s cognitive ability. Use of ICT application also makes students less focused in class and negatively affects the students GPA. Using mobile phones in class affects learning by reducing student’s reading speed and dividing their attention. The distractibility resulting from mobile phone multitasking has been explained using different approaches such as cognitive theory, unified theory of multitasking continuum, continuous partial attention and inattention blindness and attention blink. To improve their students should understand their multitasking abilities….Read More…
Harsha, Perera N, and DiGiacomo Michelle. “The relationship of trait emotional intelligence with academic performance: A meta-analytic review” Learning and Individual Differences (2013): 20-33.
The Relationship of Trait Emotional Intelligence with Academic Performance
There is a disagreement among theorists when it comes to discussing the role of trait emotional intelligence in promoting academic performance. Trait EI comprises of enduring personality traits which are relative to one another. The theory of EI assumes that useful personality traits need to be orthogonal in relation to academic cognitive outcomes. Knowledge goes hand in hand with trait emotional intelligence and this directly relates to academic performance. EI influences academic performance; this implies that the demands for academic outweigh cognitive resources. Empirical studies show that there is an inconsistent pattern of EI with academic achievement and most of these studies give heterogeneous results.