Pre-Writing 1- Biblical Worldview

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Pre-Writing 1- Biblical Worldview

Paragraph 2: For this 100-word paragraph, use at least one reference of your choice.  You may use the Graham textbook, a source from the Blackboard “Biblical Worldview Paper Instructions,” or another source of your choosing.  The first paragraph was a report on the main tenets of a biblical worldview.  This second paragraph will be an objective statement on the topic of Christian philosophy of education.  In this paragraph, convey a basic understanding of key elements of an educational philosophy that is based distinctively on a perspective drawn from Judeo-Christian scriptures.  Address issues of meaning, purpose, and values.  Do not discuss the practical application to the instructional process; that will come in the third paragraph.  A common error is for writers to neglect the discussion of a Christian philosophy of education by focusing too much on the implications for educational practice, which will be addressed in the third paragraph.


Paragraph 3: For this 100-word paragraph, use at least one reference of your choice.  You may use the Graham textbook, a source from the Blackboard “Biblical Worldview Paper Instructions,” or another source of your choosing.  In this third paragraph, you will practically apply the ideas from your two previous paragraphs as you write about the implications for educational practice.  Discuss the implications of a biblical worldview and Christian philosophy for practical application to the overall field of education.  As you did with the first two paragraphs, avoid first-person pronouns.  In your personal “Educational Philosophy Paper” later in the term, you will have more freedom to use first-person since it will be all about your own personal beliefs.  Pre-Writing 1- Biblical Worldview
Cite in APA format and list your references at the bottom of your post.  (You will be able to see other students’ posts after you make your initial post.)

The paper must be of high quality.

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