Properties of Asphalt Mixtures

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Properties of Asphalt Mixtures


Evaluation of the properties of asphalt mixtures containing plastic waste through dry process.


Utilization of plastic wastes combine the advantages of producing better asphalt pavement as well as management problem of these non-biodegradable wastes. In this project, plastic waste will be added to asphalt mixture as part of aggregate. Different asphalt mixtures containing different type of plastic will be prepared and evaluated through volumetric and stiffness tests to determine the type and optimum content of plastic for asphalt pavement construction.



  1. A thesis should normally be printed on size A4 bond paper, on one side of the paper only with 1.5-line spacing using a Times New Roman 12pt font for main text. For thesis title, chapter headings and sub-headings, a larger font size should be used. Students should avoid the use of footnotes, if appropriate.
  2. Margins should not be less than 3.5 cm on the left-hand side and 1.5 cm on the other three sides to allow for binding and trimming. Each page of the entire manuscript must be numbered, no less than 15 mm from the edge of the page. The placement of page numbers should be consistent throughout the manuscript.
  3. The thesis should incorporate in the following order:

(i) A Title Page giving the title of the thesis in full, the names and degrees of the candidate, the name of the thesis supervisor, the name of the School and the date when submitted for the degree. See the example in learning guide.

(ii) A Table of Contents

(iii) A List of Figures

(iv) A List of Tables

(v) A List of Abbreviations

(vi) An Abstract or Summary

(vii) A signed statement of authentication to the effect that the thesis contains no material that has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma and that, to the best of the candidate’s knowledge and belief, the thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person, except when due reference is made in the text of the thesis;

(viii)An acknowledgement of any help given or work carried out by another person or organisation;

(ix) The main text, which includes an introduction, methodology/ experimental chapters, results and discussion chapters, general conclusion, references and appendices.

(x) References, The School’s referencing requirement is the Harvard System. References refer solely to the works cited within the document and that list of references must include only items that have been cited in the main text. The style MUST be consistent.

(xi) Appendices, if any. Additional pages, raw data or other material not suitable for binding should be placed last and treated as indicated below. Sections of program listing to illustrate a point may appear in the text. All other program listings should be placed as an appendix or as a supplementary volume. Each appendix must be labelled on the top margin (at left or centred) sequentially using capital letters and Arabic numerals (Examples: Appendix A or Appendix 1).

 Diagrams and Figures

The following are general suggestions for normal practice, but they may be varied in special cases.

(i) Diagrams and figures should appear in the appropriate place after they are mentioned in the text.

(ii) Diagrams and tables should be numbered in a consistent fashion.



Turnitin Online submission.

Must include

1-abstract: Provided succinct summary of the project, highlighting the significance, overall aim and research questions of the research. Also, provide a good summary of background

2- introduction: A clear and concise introduction that covers all required information, such as, background information, significance and application of research and the overall aims

3-literature review: Includes all key authors in the field with a wide range of references specific to the topic. Insight-full compares and contrasts the different authors views and conclusions on the topic Synthesis of the current literature offers some new insights into current knowledge, identifies all the gaps and highlights the significance of the research.

4-research gaps/objective: Clear, concise and insightful research questions, which are developed from the literature review. Number of research questions are sufficiently adequate to address identified research gaps.

5-research mythology:  Insightfully identifies a valid research approach and study design; with a concise and comprehensive discussion of all the concepts and principles to justify the choice of the methodology and design Insightfully identifies a range of data collection and analysis methods that can collect and elicit sophisticated information to answer the research questions/hypoth esis; with a concise and comprehensive justification for the choice.

6-Preliminary Results and Discussions: Preliminary results are presented using graphs and tables. About 4 to 5 graphs and/or tables are presented. The data presented truly indicate substantive preliminary data collection.

7-Preliminary Conclusions :Conclusions are concise and explain briefly the research gaps, research objectives, methodology and the preliminary results obtained


8-Timeline/ Project Management (5%) A detailed schedule with all research activities clearly laid out; the timeline is highly realistic which allows for some degree of flexibility. Discusses the project management of the research activity including resourcing and budgeting

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