Public Health Organization Profiles

Public Health Organization Profiles

Learning Assignment 2: Public Health Organization Profiles

Assignment Instructions: Please use this template to answer all questions.  Type answers directly on this form.  When providing answers using direct wording, please use quotations OR paraphrase.  However, you do not need to provide references for this assignment.

  • Select a population of interest (e.g., Latina women, Black MSM, adolescents, pregnant women, etc.) and write it here:
  • Identify a Public Health agency/organization that specifically and explicitly serves your selected population of interest for each of the following categories. Please list the name of the agency/organization and the URL (website link).  For full credit, it must be clear that the agency/organization directly serves your selected population:

National Nongovernmental Agency/Organization:

  • Name:
  • URL:

Local (Los Angeles County) Nongovernmental Agency/Organization (must only exist in Los Angeles):

  • Name:
  • URL:

National Governmental Agency/Organization, program, office, and/or department (be detailed and specific in order to show that this agency/organization directly serves your selected population):

  • Name:
  • URL:

State (California) Governmental Agency/Organization, program, office, and/or department (be specific in order to show that this agency/organization directly serves your selected population):

  • Name:
  • URL:

Respond to the following for one agency/organization that you picked above:

  1. Name of the agency/organization:
  2. Mission or goal of the agency/organization:
  3. 3-5 sentences describing the programs or services provided to your specific selected population:
  4. 3-5 sentences describing what you like or appreciate or find especially helpful about this agency/organization:
  • Go to the Healthy People 2030 website and click on the “Browse objectives by topic” button in the lower left-hand corner of the page ( Select a “health condition” or “health behavior” of interest (e.g., cancer, injury prevention) and review the associated objectives.  Please note: Do not select a topic from the “populations,” “settings and systems,” or “social determinants of health” sections.  The selected “health condition” or “behavior” does not need to be related to your selected population of interest used for Sections I and II.

List your selected health condition or behavior here:

  1. Identify one Healthy People 2030 objective related to your selected health topic and write it here (can be cut-and-pasted verbatim). Make sure you select a specific objective and not a broader goal:
  2. Identify what is being done by agencies/organizations located in Los Angeles to address the health condition or behavior you selected in section III at all three levels of prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary). You may use the same agencies/organizations you mentioned in section II and/or use different agencies/organizations.  The same agency/organization may be used for all three levels of prevention, but it must be clear how each level is distinctly addressed.

For example, if you selected a Healthy People 2030 objective related to physical activity, you will identify agencies in Los Angeles who are addressing physical activity and/or its associated consequences (i.e., diabetes, heart disease) at the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of prevention.  This may include:

  • A local agency that provides programs to encourage physical activity among healthy people (primary);
  • A local agency that provides free or low-cost screening for diabetes (secondary); and
  • A local agency that helps people effectively manage their diabetes (tertiary).

Agency/organization in Los Angeles that provides Primary Prevention measures for the selected health condition or behavior:

  • Name:
  • URL:
  • In 3-5 sentences, describe the programs/services aimed at providing primary prevention measures (be specific and detailed and do not include programs/services that address other levels of prevention):

Agency/organization in Los Angeles that provides Secondary Prevention measures for the selected health condition or behavior:

  • Name:
  • URL:
  • In 3-5 sentences, describe the programs/services aimed at providing secondary prevention measures (be specific and detailed and do not include programs/services that address other levels of prevention):

Agency/organization in Los Angeles that provides Tertiary Prevention measures for the selected health condition or behavior:

  • Name:
  • URL:
  • In 3-5 sentences, describe the programs/services aimed at providing tertiary prevention measures (be specific and detailed and do not include programs/services that address other levels of prevention):

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