The Importance of Teachers Collaboration

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The Importance of Teachers Collaboration

The Importance of Teachers Collaboration in Schools Essay Sample

Section 1: A careful, complete description of the existing problem and a thorough delineation of the proposed solution

The performance of our students is still unsatisfactory despite the ambitious efforts of the ministry of education to counteract the problem. The government allocates a lot of funds to the education sector. Saudi Arabia is one among the countries with the highest spending in education in international perspectives. However, the performance of the students is continuously poor in international comparison despite all the efforts. The survey conducted by the World Economic Forum based on how to access quality science and mathematics education depict the poor state of knowledge in the country. Based on the results, Saudi Arabia has ranked the 66th country out of a total of 137 countries. Although Saudi Arabia was relatively performing compared to many other countries, the performance displayed by the nation is still wanting based on their objectives and expectations. Saudi Arabia was also ranked at the bottom ten countries out the 76 states that participated in a science and mathematics contest….Continue Reading….

Section Two: A comprehensive explanation of both the philosophy of education and the learning theories on which the proposed solution is based.

Component Three: An analysis of prior research supporting the proposed solution

Component Five: An evaluation and assessment plan with formative and summative elements that help determine success and problems to guide the proposed solution

There is a close relationship between summative and formative assessments both internally and externally. Evaluation and appraisal of the proposed solution are pertinent regarding determining the success and problem. Teachers, district and site- level administrators are the primary targets. Teachers have the investible mandate of assessment requiring that they should provide reports concerning the progress of their students outside classrooms.


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