Totem for Assessment 1
What is a totem?
Grieves (2009), defined totem as a natural object or anything that could symbolize people’s roles, creativity and responsibility. It noted that totem could identify people’s preference, spiritual believes, leisure preferences ( Grieve (2009).
What is leisure?
Leisure defined as the time where people spend their time free times participating in the different activities, using all their ability and resources in order to have fun or feel satisfied (Bucher & Bucher, 1974; Stebbins, 2007). In addition, the free choice or freedom should be exercised during people participated in the leisure activities (Godbey, 1994; Stebbins, 2007). There are three types of leisure which include casual leisure and serious leisure and project based leisure (Stebbins, 2015). Totem for Assessment 1
- For instance, casual leisure ( relaxation, passive entertainment, sciable conversation, sensory stimulation casual volunteering
- Serious leisure ( amateur, art, science, sport and entertainment , small business, some skilled trades,
- Project Based leisure ( art projects , volunteering , one shot projects, occasional projects) << ( Stebbins, 2015, pp 15).>>
Why did you choose these activities?
Define what is serious leisure which is part of my main leisure ( music)
- Is a serious leisure which Gives me a stress relief
- I am patient with music
- Makes me connect with other people new and old friends
- Help me to raise up a voice and pass out my message which can reach far
Why it is important to me
- Make me forget and bad memories
- Meet new people
- Be proactive and include or participate in the community activities
- Help people feel happy and connected
- Learning new skills and technology
- Learning my culture and tradition
What does that item mean to you?
The description of the items made this totem:
- Laminated paper used to make it strong to stand up
- Tissues to make eye brow, eyes and mouth
- Light black colour to make my skin
- White colour inside to make my teeth
- Softy toy ball to make a heard
- Toy eye to make eyes
- Colours such green, red, and white to make traditional clothes
- Smile face
- Hat to show traditional clothing culture
- Phone charger to represent guitar wires
- Painted box to represent amplified speaker which is there to increase the electric or acoustic sound to be heard
What does it represent?
What do you see?
- A person with a big smile
- Stand up on stages
- Enjoying music
- A board which represent the perfoming stage . the boad has different colour :
- White, black. Red and yellow
What do you notice that perhaps you had not intentionally created?
- Legs
- Some parts of the body like fingers
- Eyebrow
- Not nice shape of which I am
Written description Write a short overview of what each element of your totem means.
As it mentioned above, a totem is made with different part, which reflect on me. For instance,
- Laminated paper used to make it strong to stand up
- Tissues to make eye brow, eyes and mouth
- Light black colour to make my skin
- White colour inside to make my teeth
- Softy toy ball to make a heard
- Toy eye to make eyes
- Colours such green, red, and white to make traditional clothes
- Smile face
- Hat to show traditional clothing culture
- Phone charger to represent guitar wires
- Painted box to represent amplified speaker which is there to increase the electric or acoustic sound to be heard. Totem for Assessment 1
Why did you include each element?
- Guitar << is my instrument which I use to speak and make music “
- Speakers << is that I use to express and sound loud for me so everyone can hear and enjoy the same time >>
- Colours:
- White is peace “ born and grow up in the war
- Red: is love: love that I love people especially love to support vulnerable people or people in the needs
- Yellow and green which represent my new country Australia which full of opportunities and success
What value does each element have for your? etc.
- Each one of the above has value one me and people around me
Written reflection Provide an overall summary of and reflection about the process of creating your totem, and
- Struggled but comes with better looking
- Good smile to show better interaction with the audience when I am on the stage
- The processes was not easy as it was the first time doing
- At the first time I struggled to know what was the meaning of totem but I menaged to use all my resources ( asked question to the lecture, database searching…so to understand the process. Totem for Assessment 1
About what the experience was like for you.
- Excited and nerves
- Learning different things ,
- problem solving skills
- creative
- painting
- colour combination
What is the value of your totem?
The written description and reflection must not exceed a total of 1000 words.