Triple Catalyst model Discussion

Triple Catalyst model Discussion

Select a company (or case) and show how the Triple Catalyst model could help it:

-stave off (delay, and/or protect from) competition

-survive a disaster/shock (consider COVID-19, or a major change in economics, or climate-related disasters – or a combination)

-go from good to great

-go from great to exceptional

Limit this to 3-5 pages of content, double-spaced 12-point Times New Roman font, excluding cover, table of contents, appendices.

Grading Rubric coming soon, but in the meantime be sure that your assignment

…is written as a managerial report, with an Executive Summary

…contains citations, related to assertions that you have made

…is true to the request of the assignment.

Will a reader really learn how the Triple Catalyst model (MacKay, 2021) would help?

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