2013HSV – Social Construct of Welfare

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2013HSV – Social Construct of Welfare

Topic: As Minister for Social Services, Scott Morrison argued that “the best form of welfare is a job.” (Department of Social Services, 2015), a claim that he has repeated as Prime Minister (Commonwealth, Parliamentary Debates, 31 July 2019, p. 1578).

Evaluate this claim with reference to one of the topics covered in weeks 7 to 11 of the course content (i.e. poverty and either mental health; disability; gender; Indigenous Australians; or housing and homelessness). Your response should be in the form of an evaluative essay and supported with relevant theory and evidence including scholarly literature.

The word limit is 2000 words.

NB: The word limit includes in-text references but excludes the reference list. Word limits will be enforced strictly with markers instructed to stop reading once they reach maximum word limit. Marks will be deducted for failing to conform to APA formatting.

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