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Topic: Importance of Good Customer Service at Return to Paradise Resort in Samoa


1.1 Background

The current business environment is more competitive and challenging than it has ever  been before. Many face multidimensional challenges and various demands due to  globalization, forcing organizations to re-think and re-invigorate their products and systems so as to improve their service quality whilst remaining competitive (Rodie & Martin, 2001; Yasin et al.,2004;).Customer service is considered as an integral part of any facet of industry and it defines the future of any organization. The rapid advances in technology-based systems related to internet are leading to fundamental ways in how different organizations interact. This applies same for relation of an organization with its customer. In different services industries the relationship between customer satisfaction and service attributes have been difficult to identify because services nature is intangible ( Hong, Gooet al.,2004; Nguyen and Leblanc, 2002). Due to intangible nature of services it is difficult for the firms to analyse how the customers perceive and evaluate the desired outcome of the service quality (Zeithaml,1981).As customer evaluate their level of satisfaction by experimenting the service quality, satisfaction with services is related to conformation or disconfirmation of expectations ( Smith and Houston 1982). The issue of highest priority today involves understanding the impact of service quality on profit and other financial outcomes of the organization (Zeithaml et al.,1996). Inservice industry, the concept of quality holds the main position. The relationship with the customer is based on the promise that customer satisfaction is achieved through providing standard quality of service. The high quality demands on customers end is becoming prominent due to the growing fact that high level of service quality leads to sustainable competitive advantage in the competitive business environment (Sureshchandaret al.,2002) It is not surprising to know that quality level of services is the leading phenomena to plan strategies in the services firms (Khamalah and Lingaraj 2007).To better understand the concept of quality and satisfaction, we should look into the definitions of the two main concepts of this research customer satisfaction and service quality,which are discussed in detail below.

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