Psychopathology: Barry Case Study

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Psychopathology: Barry Case Study

Students are required to submit a 3000 word case report worth 50 marks based on the case study provided.

 The format required is in accordance with APA 6th edition standards and non-adherence to word limit will result in loss of marks, penalties apply of a deduction of 5 marks per 100 words over the 3000 +/- 10%.  The template that students are required to use for the case report is as follows:

Reason for Referral , Presenting Issue/s and Demographics and DSM-5 Diagnosis/es and Differential Diagnosis                                                                                                           = 20 Marks        

  • Provide brief demographic information about the client and their presenting problem/s.     
  • Use DSM-5 classification system to make a diagnosis including diagnostic features; subtypes, specifiers; severity; contributing psychosocial and environmental factors           using ICD-10-CM, and Z-codes.
  • Conduct a differential diagnosis based on DSM-5 classification system.

Overview of the Literature pertaining to the diagnosis                                     = 10  Marks

  • Conduct a review of the literature and provide the following information in relation to the case study supported by recent references published either in books, peer reviewed journals and/or Australian Government reports only: prevalence in Australia (references published between 2015-2019); development and course; associated features supporting diagnosis/es; risk and prognostic factors; culture-related diagnostic issues; gender-related factors; and functional consequences of disorder/sand co-morbidity with relevance to the prognosis for client diagnosed with the disorder (references published between 2007-2019). Psychopathology: Barry Case Study 

Psychological Treatment Approach                                                                          = 10 Marks

  • Recommendation for ONE PSYCHOLOGICAL treatment supported by recent empirical evidence published either in books or peer reviewed journals only for the efficacy of psychological treatment approach is required.

Writing Style and APA Referencing                                                                          = 10 Marks 

  • The assignment is required to be written clearly, precisely, fluently and concisely with correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. The writing is to be well organised carefully choosing the exact words to convey meaning. Parallel or consistent structure when writing sentences and paragraphs is to be used. For example, avoid mixing forms of verbs in the same sentence. One subject is to be covered per paragraph, with each paragraph beginning with a topic sentence stating what the subject is about. Transitional sentences or expression are required to enhance readability.
  • Use of APA guidelines is required to be used for style in title page, body of the report, citations and font as per Publication Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, 6th
  • All references are required to be cited in text and in reference list in correct APA 6th edn format.



Barry Simpson is a 6-year-old male, referred by his biological mother (Ms Simpson). Barry is in the first grade at school and started school 8 months ago.  Ms Simpson stated that the reason she was coming to the clinic was to get help for her son who was constantly getting into trouble at home and at school.

At the interview with the psychologist, Barry and his mother were present.  Barry seemed shy, however, he was polite and answered questions after receiving coaching from his mother.  He appeared anxious as he fidgeted in his chair with little eye contact.  Barry stated he did not like his teacher because his teacher yelled at him in front of his classmates and sent notes home to his mother.  This was because Barry does not follow class rules and because he gets angry at the teacher. Barry has one friend at school, John. Barry yells at the other kids when they do not let him play with them.  Barry said, “My mother and father yell at me, sometimes they smack me and I have to go to my room when I do not do as they ask.”   Barry said he hates when he has to present at show and tell time as he worries that the other kids will make fun of him.  Psychopathology: Barry Case Study 

At a separate interview with the psychologist, Ms Simpson stated that Barry argued a lot with her and his father, and refused to obey their requests and instructions, especially to complete homework and have a bath.  When Ms Simpson said Barry often loses his temper and throws a tantrum, particularly when she said ‘no’ to his requests. He then screams and yells until he gets what he wants.  Barry’s mother and father often gave into Barry’s demands for peace.  Barry also deliberately annoys his sister.  Ms Simpson stated Barry seems to be easily annoyed.  He has no problems with adaptive behaviours such as dressing and eating. She stated, “My husband and I find Barry to be a very difficult child to control at home and in public places, like shopping centres.” Ms Simpson said that Barry’s behaviour in this regard had not changed much since preschool (1 year ago) when he would get into trouble for not following the rules, his angry outbursts and throwing tantrums.  The teacher reports that he also annoys other children on purpose and he does not wait his turn when waiting in line to go to the pool.  Ms Simpson said Barry is rude and butts into games when his brother and sister are playing.  Barry also blamed his older brother when he did not complete her chores, e.g. ‘He stopped me from doing the chores.’

Mr Simpson earns an average income and Ms Simpson is unemployed.  Due to financial difficulties, currently, the family live in a housing commission house with Barry and his older sister and brother.  Ms Simpson also reports that neither she or husband nor any members of their extended family suffer from any psychological disorders.

Ms Simpson gave permission to the psychologist to speak with school staff about Barry.  Barry’s teacher, Ms Smart, reported “Barry is in jeopardy of being suspended from school for his refusal to follow rules and for his angry outbursts towards me.” Ms Smart stated that Barry’s academic performance was below average but not failing.  She stated that whilst his writing was poor, he understood and completed reading and math assignments when motivated to do so.  She also noticed that Barry never wanted to have his turn at show and tell, he seemed anxious to talk in front of the class. Psychopathology: Barry Case Study 

The school psychologist, Mr Smith stated that Barry’s tested intelligence level was within the normal range, therefore deferring a diagnosis of learning disorder.  He stated that Barry was good at sports, but had difficulty making friends at school. Mr Smith thought Barry required behaviour modification to control his disruptive behaviours.

The family doctor stated that Barry’s physical health was good and there appeared to be no medical condition to cause Barry’s behaviours.

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